Mexico City
Contact Information
Office Contact:

German Calva Johnstone

Office Address:

Cerro del Cubilete #140
Col. Campestre Churubusco
Deleg. Coyoacán
Mexico City, DF 04200

Country Demographics

Mexico City


Spanish, various Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional indigenous languages

Roman Catholic 76.5%, Protestant 6.3% (Pentecostal 1.4%, Jehovah's Witnesses 1.1%, other 3.8%), other 0.3%, unspecified 13.8%, none 3.1%

Life Expectancy:
75.84 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
The Tropic of Cancer effectively divides the country into temperate and tropical zones. This gives Mexico one of the world's most diverse weather systems. Mexico is also one of the 17 megadiverse countries of the world, with over 200,000 different species, making it home to 10 -12% of the world's biodiversity.

Middle America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, between Belize and the US and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala and the US

Office Staff

German Calva Johnstone

Office Manager

Manager History:

Brother German:

To be a VGR distributor for me is a highly rewarding experience as eternal life is to live for others, like Brother Branham told us. We see the hand of the Lord over us when we take distribution trips taking the Seed of Life for our brothers. It is so good to see the faces of the believers when they receive the spiritual Food in due season. It has been good for us to know and stay in the middle of His perfect will, like precious Brother Joseph said it. We have experienced also that every time we do something for the Lord, the enemy is there to counterattack. This has brought character to us and a closer molding to His image. I thank the Lord for this work and the confidence that has been bestowed in my hands. I especially thank Brother Joseph Branham and may the Lord Jesus Christ continue blessing, guiding and keeping him.


Sister Elsa:

When Brother Joseph Branham asked me if I would like to work with my husband, even considering the obedience that the Message teaches us, I saw this was the correct thing to do. During the times that I had a lot of pressure, I remembered that I had made a promise to work with VGR. Until this day, nothing has taken away that feeling in my heart to be part of the great work that VGR does. It does not matter if I am a nut or a bolt in the Great Machine; I am still part of It. I love to think about that.

Thank you for making me part of these efforts so the Bride can get the Food. We know that everything the prophet told us has been and will be fulfilled

  • German Calva - Office Manager
  • Elsa Calva- Secretary
Office History

The first office VGR opened in Latin America was in Mexico City in 1991. In 2006 we moved to a third location. Brother German Calva with assistance from his wife, Sister Elsa and another brother who works part time, maintain the office in the 2nd largest city in the world. It seems like all roads lead to Mexico City, the capital, and many people come by the office for material. There are about 25 churches in the metropolitan area that come for their material. Not only does Brother Calva manage the office, but he is the distributor to upwards of 300 churches and groups in southern Mexico. When new material arrives, he makes at least four trips to distribute to the churches and travels about 4,000 miles to accomplish this, which sometimes can take two or three months. Mexico City is the only city in Latin America that Brother Branham visited. This was in 1956 when the dead baby received its life. The ministry of Brother Branham continues to have a great effect on Mexico as it did in 1956.


The distribution of material is done by personally delivering the material to the pastors and churches. In their VW diesel van they travel over many miles through terrain that varies. Southern Mexico has mountains, desert areas, flat coastal areas in Veracruz and the boot of Mexico in the states of Quintana Roo, Yucatan and Campeche which are very humid. This area lies in the path of many hurricanes and tropical storms.

Many of the churches lie off the main roads and the material has to be carried to the churches. Sometimes it is possible to contact the pastors and they will come to a central city where they will meet with Brother Calva and receive their material. Others time they will visit the individual churches and have fellowship with the people.

Distribution can be difficult depending on the weather, roads and the political climate. One always has to be aware of the dangers of traveling on the roads and traveling at night is no longer possible because of the problems they may have. Mexico has a good system of roads and highways, but many believers live in the mountains or jungle areas which make it difficult.

Serving the States of:



District Federal









Quintana Roo


