Distribution Trip In Central Mexico

Brother Fernando Sanchez, VGR office manager in Guadalajara, sends us good news of his recent distribution trip to the San Luis Potosi region in the north-central part of Mexico, where the Message of the hour is being received with gladness. His recent trip saw him make 21 stops in and around cities such as Valles, which has a population of around 115,000 and is the second largest city in the San Luis Potosi region.

Blue marker is the starting point of Guadalajara and red marker is the destination of Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi.

Quick facts about the VGR office in Guadalajara:

  • There are 130 churches in the distribution area of VGR Guadalajara.

  • Roughly ¼ of the believers in Mexico are in this distribution area, approximately 4,300 believers.

  • Each time a new sermon is printed into Spanish, the Guadalajara office receives 5,000 copies (4,500 copies to the recipients on the mailing list, and 500 for office inventory).

  • A total of 23,000 books are sent to the VGR offices in Mexico each time a new sermon is printed; more than any country in Latin America.

Here is the team’s latest distribution report from their trip to the state of San Luis Potosi.

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Brothers, it is a joy for me to write this report. I left the VGR office in Guadalajara to take the Message of the hour for our brethren in La Sierra de Las Huastecas in San Luis de Potosí.

Two brothers came with me: Brother Antonio Sanchez and Brother Jose Luis Jimenez, they left their families and work to come with me in this difficult and dangerous trip to La Sierra. We also found places where people practice satanic rites.

On January 26, 2015 we traveled for about 8 hours non-stop. We arrived to the City of Valles close to the Sierra to continue the next day visiting the 21 different places where our brothers and sisters live.

In some places we had to leave the truck and continue by foot carrying the boxes in our arms and shoulders for the believers in far away villages. In these places, the believers received us with much joy, especially the children. They were eager to know what they would be receiving from the Lord. It was a very special experience for me to see how these humble families live in such a poor state but believe the same precious Message we also love.

Each and every one of these brothers in La Huasteca sent greetings and their appreciation to Brother Joseph and all the staff that works at the Storehouse, and all the brothers and sister who support the work. They know it is because of their efforts that they are receiving this spiritual Food in their hands.

I thank the Lord for granting me the honor of working for the Bride of Christ in this area of Central Mexico.

May God richly bless you!

Your brother and friend,

