As you know I am a prisoner in a Federal prison and am unable to prove my innocence, but I trust in Christ and He helps me continue. Here in this prison, I have felt loneliness, tears, and fears, and the more I thought about my condition, the more it tormented me until taking my own life in suicide seemed appealing.
One cold night I felt cornered and could not stand the torment I was feeling. I decided to end my life. I thought about my children and could see them crying, and I thought about my mother. All this could not keep me from going on with my thoughts of suicide.
I was alone in my cell and decided to use one of my sheets to hang myself. I remember running out of air, but just before I passed out, I heard a voice of a man that said, "Son, what are you doing?"
The next thing I remember is that I was in a hospital bed with tubes stuck in my arms and the doctor lecturing me. I asked who was that voice? How did someone save me if I was alone and no one could see me? How I didn't die is a mystery to me.
When I went back to my cell, I found a Bible and I began to read it until something happened to me, and I cried out to God until I felt He heard me. My desire now is to live for Christ and tell others here in the prison about Christ.
Nayarit, Mexico