Contact Information
Office Contact:

Andrew O’Dwyer

Office Address:

648 Rowley Road
Oakford 6121
Western Australia

Country Demographics



English 72%, Mandarin 2.7%, Arabic 1.4%, Vietnamese 1.3%, Cantonese 1.2%, Punjabi 0.9%, Greek 0.9%, Italian 0.9%, Filipino 0.9%

Christianity 43.9% (Catholic 20%, Anglican 9.8%, Uniting Church 2.6%, Presbyterian and Reformed 1.6%, Baptist 1.4%, Pentecostal 1%), No religion 38.9%, Islam 3.2%, Hinduism 2.7%, Buddhism 2.4%, Sikhs 0.8%, Jews 0.4%

Life Expectancy:
81.2 years (male), 85.3 years (female)

GDP per-capita:
62,600 USD

Of interest:
Did you know that Australia is home to the world's longest fence, the Dingo Fence, stretching over 5,600 kilometers? Or that the Great Barrier Reef, visible from space, is the largest living structure on Earth? Australia is also home to some of the world's weirdest animals, such as the egg-laying echidna and platypus. The country boasts the world's oldest rainforest, the Daintree. Additionally, Australia is renowned for having more than 10,000 beaches.

European exploration commenced in the 17th century, leading to Captain James Cook's contact in the late 18th century. The arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 marked the beginning of British settlement, developing into a nation through federation in 1901. The 19th century witnessed expansion, fueled by a gold rush, while the 20th century saw Australia's participation in both World Wars. In 1986 Australia achieved full legislative independence, severing the remaining constitutional ties with the United Kingdom.

Australia's economy is characterized by a diverse range of sectors, with mining and agriculture playing crucial roles. The country is a major global player in mining, particularly in the extraction of minerals such as iron ore, coal, and gold. The mining industry contributes significantly to Australia's export revenue and economic growth. On the agricultural front, Australia is known for its vast and fertile landscapes that support the production of various crops and livestock. Wheat, barley, and cattle are key contributors to the country's agricultural output. The agricultural sector not only sustains domestic food supply but also contributes substantially to international trade.

Asia Pacific region in the southern hemisphere

Office Staff

Andrew O’Dwyer

Office Manager

Manager History:

I was raised in a Message family in the remote outback of Western Australia. In the mid-1960s my dad, Alan O’Dwyer, received a few Brother Branham tapes from a denominational friend. His friend did not believe but something rang true in my dad’s heart. From that time he felt a burden to distribute the Message to others. Dad always encouraged me to believe the Message and when I was a young boy he gave me a few sermon books, one of these was "There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light". I really treasured that book believing it was very special but not truly understanding the significance of what lay inside. Shortly after that I was baptised, then at the age of 10 my dad passed away in a mining accident. My mother Jessie, raised us six youngsters on her own with a lot of help from above. It is a great blessing to know that whatever life holds God always provides us with the grace to overcome. I inherited dad’s old reel to reel tape player, a treasured gift that I kept close by my bedside to hear God’s Voice speaking words of life to me. The power in those words kept me in my teenage years and opened to me the reality that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Christ in us living the Life.

Today it is such a privilege to be part of God’s great machine. I really admire the VGR teams in the region, their fearless approach as they present this life-giving resource to their people. I want to express my sincere thanks for their gallant efforts.

I want to especially thank Brother Joseph and the staff at VGR and all the brothers and sisters who have truly caught the vision with a burning desire in their hearts to get the Voice of God to the people of every nation and then, one day, very soon we will all go home to be with Him.

Sister Priscilla O’Dwyer Office Coordinator

I was brought up in the End Time Message and today and it has become more than Life to me. I have always enjoyed reading the wonderful testimonies and articles from VGR and YF websites. Now it is such an honour and privileged for me to have this opportunity to be a part of VGR’s outreach work, assisting my husband Andrew.
I love helping to coordinate Creations projects for our Australian wide Tape kids. We really enjoy the Creations Projects. I pray that God bless you for your prayers and support for the work.

Brother Herbert Tjung Indonesian Translator

I thank my Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, for His grace to me. He called me when I was just a little child, through my childhood friend who persuaded me to come to a Christian church. On that Sunday, I fell in love with my Redeemer, and I never turned back, and by His grace I will be faithful to Him forever.
I went through different denominations and churches. The Holy Spirit leads me to a brighter and brighter light of His Word, as He has promised “when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth”.
In 1992 I was introduced to Brother Branham’s Message; the first time I heard the prophet’s voice, something inside of me rejoiced and there was peace in my soul, I believe that is like “deep calleth unto deep”.
I grow spiritually, feeding on the manna from Heaven, the eagles’ food that God has restored for us through His prophet-messenger, Elijah of Malachi 4:5, 6; the Voice of Revelation 10:7, Brother Branham.
I work as an Indonesian translator for Voice of God Recordings since 2013.
After forty years since that Sunday, in 2013 I was ordained as a minister of the revealed Word of God.
Peace be unto you.

YF Team & Office Support

The team prepares and distributes Creations activities for young people throughout Australia who complete the monthly YF tape quizzes. The team also assists with distribution and outreach in the region.

Office History

The Australian Office oversees much of the work in Southeast Asia working closely with the VGR teams in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The office supports missionary minded fellowships and individuals with materials for outreach throughout Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.