
We love to hear from God’s people. It never gets old for us to read, “I needed to read this today…” Each one of you return the blessing many times over to us through your feedback.

The following are a small portion of the responses to some articles we have posted on branham.org over the past few weeks.

When I read this article about our brother who is in prison, I cried. I have time praying for each brother who is in prison and for their families as well as for our missionary brothers! Just remember Brother Naney, there is someone praying for you.

He certainly got those eagle eyes perfectly!

His gift to you is also appreciated by me, a sister by God's grace and mercy! What a wonderful talent He has given you!

Outstanding! Paul wrote some of his letters from behind bars; God knows where we need to be to get the most out of us. Great work my brother!

Words can't express how I feel about being a part of that Elected. I love Him.

Thank God for Billy Graham's life. Thank God for His prophet, who told us who Billy Graham was. It’s getting time for the coming of the Lord Jesus for His Bride!

I'm so glad for those precious words from our prophet; it is only our prophet who told us who Billy Graham and Oral Robert were, their mission and ministry, their positions and kind of seed they planted, and placed the Bride positional to be identified with faithful Abraham. We are so happy that we're witnesses to these great events and the truth of God's gift to us, His prophet.

I have never felt a tug in my heart like I did reading this article.

What a tremendous testimony! I truly felt the Holy Spirit as I was reading it! I will definitely pray for this sister's family. God truly came to save sinners! He saved even me.

Welcome home, my sister.

I especially like the part where she says she fed herself the Word daily, regardless of her life at that time. I believe that is the only way to overcome the world.

Please thank the sister for this timely testimony. I believe she was led to write it just for my family. You see, we just dropped our 31-year-old son off yesterday for opioid (Rx drugs and heroin) addiction treatment. He, too, was raised in a Christian home but took a wrong turn in high school.

Sister, you set me off into an atmosphere of praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep pressing the battle; the war is already won. I can't wait to send my own testimony when the Lord delivers what he has promised.

Yes, I also say that it's a special day for me and all the religious world.

It's a very special day, especially for the Bride of our Lord Jesus Christ. We Love it, and it doesn't matter what the critics say. What matters is the Message that we're called to believe and hold fast. Shalom to the Bride of Christ, to whom this great Light is risen. Shalom to Voice of God Recordings, for your unquenchable love for the lost souls and Bride of Christ.

When written out in detail like this (just hitting the high points), “Special Day” doesn't seem like a good enough word for this humble prophet that surrendered his entire life to the Lord Jesus Christ!

We have often put a prayer cloth in our fence seeking a change in our neighbors. And God has answered every time.

How precious to have the faith of our little ones!

That is so amazing! It's sometimes just the little things that mean the most!

This has brought a smile on my face. Thank you, little angel, for your faith that stopped such a heavy machine from mowing your favorite bush.

That is just too sweet. Thanks for posting it, as I really needed that tonight!

What a precious brother with a vision to spread this Message. Oh, what shouting there must have been on the hills of Glory, as Brother Branham & all the saints gone on welcomed him Home! Praying for his sweet wife, for the Lord Jesus to be her portion, and to comfort her and their children as only He can.

Our precious brother died the way he lived, giving his life to give others life. What a hero! God bless his loved ones, and someday soon they will hear a knock on the door.

My heart aches for the Bride's loss on this side of Heaven and even more for our brother's wife and children. Such a tragedy yet such a beautiful display of love! The character of this precious brother has brought such conviction upon my own heart for an even deeper consecration and surrender to God's will for my own life.

That was awesome. One more person I am looking forward to meeting In Glory.

What a beautifully written and gathering of historical facts and of the Holy Spirit’s move upon Israel you have written for us all to be blessed by today.

How beautiful! Thank you for putting together this precious history lesson for our homeschooled children! This is the kind of lessons we like for them! Our prophet says it all best. God bless you in your work for Him!!