Nowhere To Go

Nowhere to go, no which way to turn, and yet grace made a way.

Let me say this, my sinner friend. You may be here this morning a prostitute; you may be here this morning a woman-chaser; you may be here a drunkard, or a gambler, or a murderer. You might be here as an impure husband, an impure wife. You might be the vilest of sinner. You say, "I'm a past that stage of redemption." No, you're not, or you wouldn't be at the church this morning. Grace will make a way for you in this dark hour if you'll just accept it.

61-0827 The Message Of Grace

No matter how far off God's path we stray or how dark our lives become, the grace of Jesus Christ is more than able to bring us back. This sister's testimony shows us that as long as there is a desire in our hearts to come back to God, then He will welcome us with open arms. Where did she find her strength? In the Word! 

I don't know who this will help, if anyone, but I'd like to share my testimony.

I was raised by Christian parents and always knew this Word was right. Regardless, I went down a very dark path. I married an unbeliever and not too long after, it exploded into a disaster.

It ended with me feeling very alone and a single mom. I wasn't doing very good at all, and thought it best for my parents watch over my son until I could care for him better, and they were glad to help.

I ended up on hard drugs and an alcoholic. I got a boyfriend during this time, and my life was spiraling farther and farther down. Some nights I would decide to drive to my parents and stay the night. They were always welcoming. I'd be sober on those nights.

I remember putting a tape on my phone on some of those drives, because it was the only Light I knew. I'd pray God would give me one more chance to serve Him and to raise my son.

A few months went by; my boyfriend passed away on the night before Mother's Day in 2017 from an overdose. I took this very hard, and my drinking got worse. I wasn't really doing hard drugs as much anymore because of a hatred I had grown for them. However, I was drinking myself to death. I don't want to get too detailed, but I assure you this is no exaggeration, someone of my body size probably should be dead from how much I abused it.

About six months after he died, I moved to Arkansas. I came with a round trip ticket and prayed if it was God's will for me to stay, to open the doors, if not I would go back home. He opened the doors to the extent of a car being given to me, and a house in a good location with cheap rent, along with a Christian roommate and a job, all within two weeks!

I still struggled with drinking some but was at the point I was just maintaining; I was a functioning alcoholic. As in just drinking enough to not feel sick and didn't act drunk. However, there were a few nights I would still drink myself to sleep when my son was with his dad who had moved to Texarkana (where he has some family) after we separated.

I barely know how to explain this part. I didn't do a thing but tell God I didn't want to be a part of this world. I knew I couldn't quit drinking or do anything without God, and I knew the only thing I could do was feed myself the Word. I started doing that daily, regardless of my life. Next thing you know, the desire to drink or smoke cigarettes or do anything was just gone, completely!

It was a miracle, it was physically impossible for me to do that. Soon after, someone put my drink of choice on my doorstep. I didn't even want it! On New Year's Eve, I was alone with my son at my house and started feeling sad, and the thought came into my mind, "You could make it go by a lot easier if you have a drink."

Just as soon as that thought hit, resist the devil and he WILL flee from you. Hit him with Word, and I did. You know what, he fled! He can keep his box of snakes!

There is a lot more to this story, but I tried to make it short. Now I'm doing my best to serve God and raise my son. He provided two jobs for me! Not to mention my husband in Texarkana is doing wonderful, and I'm believing he is one of God's. We are still legally married, and all things are possible. I hope this helps somebody. Thank you Voice Of God Recordings for making God's Word accessible!

God bless you.