Contact Information
Office Contact:
Office Address:

"La Voz de Dios Venezuela"
Avenida Portugal entre Calles 5 y 6
Casa Número 5-90. Urbanización Santa Elena Norte
Barquisimeto, Estado Lara

Business: (58) 251-2531546

Country Demographics



Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects

Nominally Roman Catholic 96%, Protestant 2%, other 2%

Life Expectancy:
73.45 years

GDP per-capita:

Of Interest:
Venezuela's territory covers around 916,445 square kilometers (353,841 sq mi) with an estimated population of approximately 29,100,000. Venezuela is considered a state with extremely high biodiversity, with habitats ranging from the Andes mountains in the west to the Amazon Basin rainforest in the south, via extensive llanos plains and Caribbean coast in the center and the Orinoco River Delta in the east.

Venezuela is a country of immigrants. About two-thirds of the population is mestizo (of mixed European and Indian ancestry) or mulatto-mestizo (African, European, and Indian); about one-fifth of Venezuelans are of European lineage, and one-tenth have mainly African ancestry. The native Indian population is statistically small.

A country that is rich in oil has been going through very hard economic and political problems.

Northern South America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, between Colombia and Guyana

Sister Eukary Testimony:

Since ten years ago I’ve had the privilege of working for Voice of God Recordings in my country. I started as volunteer, helping my husband at maintenance and administrative areas. Today, I’m part of the employees and of the great family of VGR.

It’s a beautiful labor to be able of shake the hands of brethren from different places of the country and welcome them to our office while they search the most precious material that will give us Faith for the Rapture and will help us to be ready to the great meeting with our Lord.

Each time the material arrives, the office is full of emotion and energy because the material brings visits and the blessing of the Bride of Christ. There are always obstacles to bring the material to our office but we have ALWAYS seen His Glory clearing the path.

The Lord has allowed me to see many believers laugh, cry and even be healed when they are thirsty and hungry of the hidden manna and come to the headquarter searching the precious Food. One time I saw an old man crying and trembling when he had in his hands the MP3 CDs of Brother Branham. It was so beautiful to see his eyes full of tears and to feel his happiness. I’ve been witness of how a girl, tormented by a demon, was brought here by his father in searching of liberation and after being at the office and pray, see her calmed and leave the office free of such torment. Also, I’ve seen a brother be healed while he helped to unload the boxes with the books.

The missionary trips are a wonderful experience; to meet new brothers and to give them the good news are always a great blessing; many times we make these trips in family and our kids are the ones who help us with the videos and photography. We can’t go with my husband all the time, but we have seen the Lord’s hand helping us even with little things while he is on a missionary trip.

There are really many things we have experimented in these years being at the service of the Bride of Christ, the Eternity will show us even that things our eyes missed and made a difference in a thirsty soul. I just hope to be useful to the VGR team and contribute in a small way in this great machine. God bless you.

Office History

For the first 15 years that Voice of God distributed material in Venezuela we had two distributors. Then in 2002, it was decided to have one distributor and an office located in Barquisimeto. The office was located on the 3rd floor of a shopping center / business center. In December of 2010 a fire engulfed the shopping center and came right next to the office in the business, but it never suffered any damage, not even from the smoke.

Today we are in the process of moving to a house that will be the new office for VGR in Venezuela. This will provide plenty of space for offices, storage, and areas to receive the believers. 

As far as the distribution in Venezuela concern, we have a lot of ways to do it. The most of the pastors in the country come to the city to attend a monthly meeting so they come to the office and they take their material sent from VGR to the churches. For others, we have to travel across the country and I take the material to distribute it to the ones who cannot go to VGR office. In some trips, I drive 1800 kilometers.

There are some areas that are difficult to work with and are dangerous areas, especially in the border between Colombia and Venezuela, where some message believers live. In these places there are smugglers, guerrilla groups and people who said they are government agents to deceive people in the area.

Also, there are some places like the Amazonas and Apure where the only way to go where the indigenous believers are is traveling in a boat, between the dangerous rivers full of piranhas and many dangerous animals. I have been on several trips to this area and the office has sponsored a motor for a brother who is lives there and is a missionary to the people of the Amazon area. The only travel there is by boat as the rivers are the highways. 

