The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Elected Bride,

The reason the Elected, Jesus said, won’t be deceived, because they are that Word. They can’t be nothing else. They can’t hear nothing else. They don’t know nothing else.

There is nothing greater in life than to know that God chose His prophet before the foundation of the world to speak these Words. Then, He allowed His Voice to be recorded, so we, His predestinated Bride, could refer back and hear His Voice that was recorded and stored–up, because He wanted us to know:

  • We are the Word.
  • We cannot be deceived.
  • We can’t be nothing else.
  • We can’t hear nothing else.
  • We don’t know nothing else.

He knew we would need encouragement today like no other day in history. The battles would be raging like never before. His Bride would be put to the test. But if He could remind His Bride who they are, they could rejoice in their hearts knowing they are His sweethearts in His perfect Will.

Whatever Satan throws at us, whatever we have to go through, now we know, He is Choosing A Bride, and we are that Bride. We are not Ashamed of our Revelation of the Word. We will never Try To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God. To us, it is Spiritual Food In Due Season. We recognize that there will be The Anointed Ones At The End Time, but we will STAY WITH THE WORD.

If you would like this same assurance, come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: 65-0725M The Anointed Ones At The End Time.

Bro. Joseph Branham

Scriptures To Read:

St. Matthew 5:44-45 / 7:21 / 24:15-28
St. Luke 17:30 / 18:1-8
St. John 14:12
Ephesians 1:5
II Timothy 3:1-8
Hebrews 6:1-8 / 11:4
Revelation 10:1-7 / 16:13-14
Malachi 4:5
I Kings 22:1-28
Jeremiah: Chapters 27 & 28


Sermon Translations