
We appreciate everyone who takes the time to give us your thoughts and testimonies on branham.org; it gives us an idea about what is on your mind and how we can serve you better. We hope you enjoy just a few of the hundreds of messages we have received from God's people all over the world.

I wanted to get up and dance before the Lord as those brothers were doing.

What a joy to see the pride of Christ gathering around the Word! It blesses my heart to see the Tape Boys are working so hard. I am originally from this city. Where I grew up there is a great joy, and seing my nephew in the video rejoicing to hear the voice of our prophet is a blessing. God bless Brother Jerome for the hard work, we will keep the bride of Mbuji- Mayi in prayers.

Wow! Glory! To see them rejoicing like that just set my soul aflame! KEEP PRESSING ON!

This is exactly what we need, what every country needs. My heart hungers daily for God will open a door for us in Kenya to have such outreaches. I am praying, and I believe the Lord will grant it. We must bring back the Voice to the people. We must break these walls and share one thing that is common to us all, The Absolute.

I never heard anyone testify of the devil fighting them in their dreams. I have that often, but more prayer and in the Word/tapes is increasing my faith, helping me overcome in my dreams as well.

The devil is certainly going about as a roaring lion; you can almost feel his breath around you. This testimony touched my heart, and so encouraged me.

I sure loved Sis. Ashley's testimony! Her dedication to the Lord, to His Word and His Messenger for our age, is admirable. Makes me realize how much I need more of Him in my life.

"Oh wow, praise be to God!" is what I kept saying the whole time I was reading this article.

Wow! We know He paid the price, the atonement 2000 years ago, but sometimes we need the reminder that to worry it is in vain.

I love your zeal and expression of love for our Saviour and also the messenger to this age. You are an example of Christ living in a human vessel. I trust we will be reading the ultrasound tech's testimony on this website. How could she not surrender her heart to the Lord after witnessing this?

Bro. Gene, what awesome testimonies to thrill my heart today! I know the Carpenter of Galilee is smiling on the carpenter of the VGR ship today, saying, "Well done my faithful servant!

Awesome testimony! Even though I am still young, I want God to use me like this, to be a blessing to his BRIDE and to be the person he can call on when he needs something.

What a blessing, I just wept and wept!

This testimony has motivated me to always obey the small still Voice.

It pays to serve the Lord and be under the Blood of the Message of the Hour.

I loved your last sentence: "This gave me, even more, assurance that we have a living Heavenly Father who watches over us and who is never surprised by the enemy." Our Heavenly Father watches over us, and He is absolutely never surprised by the enemy!

Surely my sinful condition was more wretched than that poor dog.

As I was reading this testimony, I identified myself as that poor dog! I was that dog, and the Lord pulled me out of that sewage.

I have never commented on a testimony before, but this one really strikes home. This was me for over 30 years living in a maggot pile of sin, and praise God he found me and pulled me out!

Oh, God may my children be like these children. May my children be genuine hearers of tape, who will listen when the time comes that I will have children, by His grace.

Sister, as much as I smiled, I teared up a little too! What joy!

You are a really blessed sister. My bunch are not as focused yet, and your testimony encourages me to keep trying and praying for them.