The Voice

37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

John 6:37-39

We received this testimony from El Salvador about a group of believers who decided to spend their day witnessing for the Lord. Part of their day was playing Brother Branham's voice over the speakers for all to hear. Little did they know, a most unlikely encounter decades in the making, would take place on this day. An elderly man approached them, drawn by a voice that had stayed with him for 60 years. He had originally heard Brother Branham in another country, hundreds of miles away but something had stayed anchored in his heart from that time. You can imagine his surprise when he heard it again. 

A group of brothers and I visited this town to testify and to find the predestinated in this place, pointing the people to hear God’s voice.

We played a message and suddenly a man came up to us. A brother began to talk to him and this man was so astonished, he was captivated with the voice that he was hearing in English while he was walking around.

To his surprise, he realized that he heard this voice before, and he told us that he was present when Brother Branham visited Mexico and he heard Brother Branham’s Message while he preached it many years ago. The voice he was hearing with us was the same one he heard many years ago. He said that he lived in Mexico for a while and then he returned to El Salvador (his homeland) but since then, he wanted to find a church or a place where he could hear the same voice he had once heard long. He was so happy and joyful!

He gave us his contact information so we can stay in contact with him if we ever returned to this town. He has fellowship with one of the brothers that played the sermon that day. This brother is so happy of hearing the prophet’s voice and his Message again. May God bless our brother.

All glory is for the Lord Jesus Christ, and He is still calling His chosen ones.

Brother Elias Vanegas

Ahuachapán, El Salvador