
...God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

We received this encouraging testimony from a family in Germany. They were stranded in an unfamiliar place with the possibility of their day being ruined by something as small as a car key. They said a short prayer, and... you can guess what happened next. 

We want to give thanks and glory to our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are situations you find yourself suddenly in, when nothing can help but the Almighty. We were on a sightseeing tour, when we stopped at a harbor and shut the car with the key.

Coming back the key broke apart and we could not open the door, neither drive home to where we were staying. I had not shut one window, so we managed to get in and take a seat, but the key totally failed to open at all.

Without opening, there is no way to be able to start the engine. We prayed, put the key in, and turned it to start position without the key part in the ignition.

Glory! The electronics showed up on the dashboard and we could start the engine and drive home.

Only God could do this great miracle.

We praise Him and thank Him for His Presence.

Thomas and Christiane Hehmann
