On The Front Lines

On May 18th Brother Eladio Silva, office manager in Argentina, and his traveling partner Brother Mario Illanes, were on a distribution trip through southern Argentina when their vehicle overturned, totaling the vehicle and injuring the team. Although it was a traumatic experience, the Lord has His hand in it all, delivering a young lady from her sickness and showing that these brothers are made right out of the mold of Paul and Silas. They are more than willing to sacrifice their bodies for the Gospel. Here is their testimony

At about 3:30 pm, I was sleeping when I heard Brother Mario (who was driving) cry out to the Lord for help! The vehicle overturned and everything looked so dark. I felt a jolt and then I could hear Brother Mario saying, “Eladio! Are you okay?” I could barely answer him while I saw him jumping out through the broken window (I think I lost consciousness). Brother Mario opened the door for me to go out, but I felt pain in each movement as I tried to get out of the vehicle. Brother Mario was looking for help and I just prayed the Lord to send us someone to rescue us, because the road was completely empty and alone. I had a head wound and my back was terrible. I felt pain in my chest and back. Brother Mario came back but he couldn’t find anyone to help us, and two hours later a police car from Rio Negro found us. They helped us and tried to move our car out of the road, but they couldn’t. The police told Brother Mario that they would take me to the hospital and that an ambulance would come for him.


Brother Eladio suffered minor injuries to his back, chest, and neck, and spent a few days in the hospital recovering. During that time they met a family that was in need of a little healing themselves.

We arrived to the hospital and I was attended to in the emergency room, because the hospital was being repaired. The doctor was checking me while the nurse was taking pieces of glass out of me. The doctor told me I didn’t have fractures or lesions. The ambulance arrived and Brother Mario came with our hand luggage. The doctor checked him and he was in a better condition than me; he just had pain in his pelvis area. The doctor told us about some hotels we could stay in, and while we were talking about this, a nurse came and asked me if I was a pastor. I said yes and she called her husband. Then she asked us to stay in her house. Her husband picked us up and we had supper with them.

While we were talking about our car, Brother Mario and the man decided to bring it with them. We stayed in their house that night. I didn’t know how I was going to sleep because of the pain. The mattress I was sleeping on barely had springs, but it was the best this family had; may God bless them. And He did as they had a need for their 15-year-old daughter. We learned when we arrived at the Buenos Aires airport that the Lord met their need.

Despite Brother Eladio's pain, he continued the distribution trip until all the material was given to the churches he had scheduled to visit. Putting the Message material into the hands of the believers far outweighed his injuries. 

Please remember to pray for both the Argentine team and all missionaries who are braving the barren lands and dark jungles to bring this Message to the Bride of Christ. They certainly appreciate your prayers. 
