He Can’t Bluff Me

He said, “That, let that stand. If there is ever a doubt in your mind, remember this place, come back here.”

63-0623m Standing In The Gap

I left my restaurant and was driving home with my daughter. I live out of town, and the last three miles are gravel roads.

As soon as I pulled onto the gravel road, I decided to let her drive so I pulled over on the side of the road. I opened my door but I never got out, as she said she was too tired to drive. Later that night I went for my wallet and could not find it. I thought, "OK, I left it in the truck." The next morning it wasn’t there.

I searched the house and couldn’t find it. I started to panic, as all my money, that week’s tithing, and the cash from the previous day’s business were in there.

I got to work and searched my truck three or four times, then I called home to my daughter to look everywhere she could, even outside by the car. So I started to text the Bride for prayer, then I called the VGR to leave a prayer request with Brother Joseph. I started praying, “Lord, your Bride is praying. I called your prophet, and Brother Branham said he had faith that if he knew his pocket knife was at home on the dresser and needed it, it would in his pocket. I believe your prophet and he gave me his faith."

Then I emailed Brother Billy, and he told me he went to prayer and that, “He NEVER fails, all is well.”

I was sitting outside of work and all of a sudden that gravel road came on my heart. I thought, all I did was open my door. Something told me to go there. It had been raining for 14 hours now, and I had just enough time to drive 30 minutes there and 30 min back to open my restaurant on time.

I got in my truck and headed there. The devil started in: "It’s not there, you just drove by there and if it was, someone already picked it up. It’s impossible.”

I have a picture of Brother Branham and the Pillar of Fire in there. I said, “Lord, let the Holy Spirit and Pillar of Fire protect my wallet.”

Then it come on my heart what Brother Joseph said about the 3rd pull, “Just speak the Word, It created squirrels, called back the storm.” I said, “Lord, let my wallet be on that gravel road with nothing missing.”

I got there, got out of my car, and there is about a 60-yard stretch that turns. I started walking down the side of the road and got all the way to the end, and still nothing. It was here that I went to the other side of the road from where I stopped, and went all the way back down that side of the road. I was walking back to my truck, praying, and I stopped to look at something in the woods. I was ready to give up, so I turned to go to my truck. Then, up in the ditch, opposite side of the road from where I stopped, there it laid wide open, the picture of Brother Branham and my money sticking out with nothing missing.

I let out a shout, and I emailed Brother Billy Paul right there, and he said, “I told you, HE never fails.”

It was impossible to be where it was and how long for it to be there. Everything about it was supernatural.

Now every day I have a spot leaving home and coming home, where I stop and thank the Lord for my experience. The devil can’t bluff me no more about God not hearing my prayer. I have a place to go where I had an experience of the Living God.

I want to thank Father, also for Brother Branham’s faith, Brother Joseph and Brother Billy’s prayers, and all the BRIDE that prayed for me.

God bless you

Bro. Jason