
Feedback: We love it! This function of the website gives us ideas, testimonies for articles, fills us in on news around the world, and also encourages us to keep pressing the battle. Nobody can say it like God’s people!

I am in an office full of people but I could hardly hold those tears of gratefulness. Just to know that we have a caring Father no matter how far you go, His loving and caring hand is not short to reach out and bring you back! Thank you, Jesus for what You have done to for my sister! Alleluia!

Brothers and sisters, It just came back to me when I saw the sister's picture. She was once strong but look at the shadow she was reduced to. Darlings in the Lord, this is what this world has to offer, but praise God we look for a City whose builder and maker is God.

"In the nick of time" is better than no time at all. God answered the parents' prayer, how wonderful!

Glory to God for the salvation of her soul. Maderyna, I will see you beyond the curtain of time in your new body without a spot nor a wrinkle. God bless your soul.

Oh MY, this is all just wonderful! May the Lord Jesus bless the missionaries all over the world. To hear that the laboring they do for the Lord is not in vain through the testimonies of these prisoners, our brothers in the LORD!

God bless you brother and your precious wife. May the Lord Jesus heal those blue eyes of hers and may He heal your heart. Take courage, brother - ALL is well. Don't be scared. I prayed for you and your wife when I read what you sent in.

I was touched by the revelation they have of this Message! I prayed for every one that asked for prayer, especially the last one from New England. I even prayed for his wife to be healed of the crossed eyes.

I am so touched with these beautiful testimonies. It is amazing to hear how this Word is transforming their lives. He is Hebrews 13:8. It is a rebuke to me to have everything at my fingertips to hear and read this Word, and how I waste so much time.

Beautiful! These prophecies have been on my mind lately and caught my attention in recent tapes. It is so nice to read over every Word slowly. It is what we are looking for to be fulfilled, and what tremendous quote at bottom.

Grant it LORD, may we become obedient to that Word. May we become the fullness of the Word in this our day.

This article is so timely. We had a family gathering yesterday, and my cousin and I were just talking about the seven visions. We were talking about how it is so important to stay in the Word and be spiritually prepared.

I do not have words to express the joy in my heart that I have the Voice of God that has made me part of the Word Bride.

I appreciate this article. I'm putting off all the weights of the world aside. I'm going in.

My prayer is for God's mercy to get my brethren and me fully ready for His coming, because the world is no longer worthy of His people.

Have mercy upon me Lord Jesus! Let all my sins be under the Blood and the Token in my heart, for truly I want to be ready for the Rapture.

What a great hour we are living in.

I am convicted and encouraged by this testimony! How many times do I hear of such instances and fail to take them as seriously and prayerfully as our sister. By God's Grace I pray He helps me to respond to His leading like this precious sister!

Oh, praise The Lord! This is so uplifting and encouraging. I'm believing the same for a brother in our church whose kidney is failing and he's in the hospital right now.

I want to be led of the Lord like this sister to share the wonderful promises of God with those who have not heard!

God's Seed is blooming everywhere. His children are climbing heavenly stairs, in this precious redemption affair.

Brother Mali is a true prisoner of Christ. When I see prisoners in prison cells that love the Message and I see most all the people I work with and in this city that I live, I see that the prisoners in the cells that love this Message are the real free ones.

How precious to see the hands reaching out for the Word.

Thanks so much for sharing this. I am so concerned about my children, that these 'little foxes' are dragging down their Christian lives. The devil is mighty, but I KNOW God is ALMIGHTY.

This testimony touched my heart. I am going through what this sister overcame. God has a way to talk to his Bride no matter their circumstance. I really need a touch from God and I feel far away from what I used to be. I am always praying that God could bring me back to where I first believed and received Him. But, I now know that I have to stay with the written and the spoken Word to achieve it.

Wow! This sounds like the story of MY life. God start a spark in me like you did to her! It's my desire!

I have read many testimonies, but this one is special, it touched me. I was lazy too but for the past two years I have read/listened a lot from the Table and the Bible, more than ever before, and in two years I have learnt a lot. This Message has the power to change people's lives, all we have to do is feed continuously on it.

Praise be to God! I am an heir, I receive it.

Amen to this testimony, and I'm claiming that all my family are heirs too.

This article came right after I was reading in the first chapter of Hebrews, verse 14, which says "who shall be heirs of salvation". That's me, I'm an heir!