The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Bride,

The Coming of the Lord is becoming more of a reality to us each day. We see prophecy taking place all around us. Our days are numbered here. We need to pack up closer and be ready for that great event that is fixing to take place.

This life is almost over, we must be ready to continue this same life, but in another world, another place that He is making ready just for us. Thus we must search our lives daily, crying out, “God, take anything away from me that is not like You. Circumcise me from this world or the things of the world. I want to be ready for my new Heavenly Home that You have gone to prepare. I want to be that Word Bride You are Coming for.”

Let us call out to Him all day and tell Him, “Lord, prepare me, make me ready for Your coming.” But let us also do something all together. Let us join in prayer at 12:00, 3:00, and 6:00 (Jeffersonville Time), as we unite together and send a sweet smelling savor up to Him by telling Him, “We love You Father, and we are watching and waiting, and getting ready for Your soon Coming.”

Bro. Joseph Branham