Letters From Prisoners

The prison ministry is still a big part of the work we do here at VGR. The souls that are in these earthly prisons are crying out for a living Lord Jesus Christ, and we know exactly how to introduce Him! We hope you enjoy the following excerpts from the many letters we received from prisoners in the United States.

In times like these… to whom should we turn but to the one who holds eternity in his mighty hand! The guys here are growing in the revealed Word. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart that every time I write and request material you send it free of charge and with your prayerful blessings with it. As I grow in grace and truth I see the importance of having the Absolute to refer to and to guide me. What a blessed people we are. Thank you so much!

Joshua, TX

I write to thank you for the books and tracts you sent me. I am enjoying them, the Holy Spirit touches my heart when reading and I can imagine I am in the tabernacle while Brother Branham preaches… I have received so much knowledge about the Word of God and I hope to remain standing so the Lord can use me. It is so nice to find the truth in these days. Very rare!

Jorge, NC

I have several sermon booklets from Mr William Marrion Branham. I’ve read each three times! I’m 68 years old. I’ve been in prison since November 20, 1978. I was trapped in tradition. I use the word “was” because I am trapped no longer. God used Mr. Branham’s messages to set me free. I’m sure beyond any doubt, he taught the truth!

David, NC

I have been enjoying studying the Message very much and I have been learning and growing in my Christian faith. Our Lord Jesus Christ bless each and every one of you in your ministry.

Matthew, WI

The Token book I already have is in rough shape physically, but it is far from retirement. The tape holding it together, the coffee stains, the highlighting, underlining, and personal notes in the margin only lend it character to me. There are many more readings in it. It’s an old friend. I brought the new Token book you sent me to church and placed it in the giveaway rack. Before the service was over, I saw it in the possession of a young man I have been witnessing to. Praise the Lord!

Leron, TX

I have learned to love to spend time studying the Spoken Word. May the works that were displayed in our dear brother’s ministry encourage us to be better Christians and love each other, our neighbors, and even those who are lost and don’t even know it. I send this letter in love because you all are my family, members of the mystical Body of Christ.

Damian, CA

It was very kind of you to respond to my letter with a letter of your own. I must admit that it touched my heart and brought a tear or two to my eyes on account of your thoughtfulness and faithfulness… Brother Branham is no longer here with us according to the flesh, but praise be to God, that voice is still sounding to whomsoever will receive it.

Paul, NM

When I began to read the sermons of brother Branham I could feel how the Holy Spirit brought a light to my life, I was so confused but the Lord is healing my soul and spirit and has guided me to the true Word of God. Please remember me in prayer, that the Lord breaks every fetter in the Name of Jesus, and that His glory be manifested in my life.

Your sister

Lysbeth, GA

In these crazy times, I found Brother Branham’s life, story, and the way he taught me about God’s ways refreshing, moving, and it made me have hope. Thank you for the books and for bringing me closer to God.

Thomas, OH