From The Archives - Herald Of Faith

The following article was published in the Herald of Faith magazine, September 1952.

Branham - Baxtor In Chicago

Brethren William Branham and J. Ern Baxter visited the Philadelphia Church in Chicago, Ill., August 7th through August 10th.

It was only a week-end convention, but it brought such marvelous results that one cannot help but continuously praise God for these dear brethren.

We have long tried to get the brethren to Chicago for a big campaign. That time has seemingly not come as yet however, but we hope it will come very soon.

In spite of the tremendously hot weather we have had in Chicago, and that these meetings were advertised very little, we had an overflow crowd in the Philadelphia Church the very first night. This continued through the entire convention, and it was impossible to get a seat in our spacious church even if you were an hour ahead of time. The news of the meetings spread like wildfire, and telephone calls came in from all over our great continent.

The brethren come in without fan-fare. They represent the spirit that needs to get a stronger hold in America. They make just the necessary announcements in the meetings; they never talk about money, have any drives for anything to strain the finances of the people. They are just simply two men who trust the Lord that He shall supply and help in every way.

Brother Branham's gift has developed to such an extent that one marvels. His discernment is perfect to the very minutest detail. It so happened that I knew many of the cases and the people that Bro. Branham prayed for in Chicago, and there was not one faulty diagnosis.

The prophetic gift and the gift of knowledge that Bro. Branham possesses is so divine and so little influenced of the vessel itself that one must cry in thanksgiving unto God. Many people experience an outstanding deliverance, and many most marvelous testimonies were brought forth in this short meeting. Whole families had experiences of the liberating power of God to health and victory.
