The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Restored Ones,

How our hearts leap with joy when we hear Father speak through His manifested and chosen messenger, and tell us, “You are the fruit at the top of the tree, My fully restored Bride.”

At the same time, the enemy is raging, as he knows his time too is at hand; death and destruction are coming his way. He has the world turned upside down, as we rejoice, seeing our names written on the Lamb’s Book of life, without spot or wrinkle, justified before the Father.

We are still on a battleground and must fight every inch of the way. We have many tests and trials. We are even misunderstood, persecuted, and made fun of because we believe EVERY WORD on the tapes, because we believe in PRESSING PLAY. But it doesn’t move His Bride, why?

You know, every time wind blows on a tree, it rocks the tree, and it loosens up the roots, so that they can just dig deeper and get a better hold.

And that’s the way, mockery, laughing, making fun of a Christian. What it does, is, persecution shakes the Christian, to make him pray more, dig down, get a better hold, so he can stand the storm.

How thankful we are to know when the storms of life are blowing and our tests and trials come our way, it is just Father making our roots dig down a little deeper. For we know He is showing Satan, “These are my CHOSEN ONES and they cannot be moved.”

How I am looking forward to joining you tonight as we worship Him in our Wednesday night home prayer meeting.

Bro. Joseph