The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Bride Tree,

What is taking place this very day around the world? Prophecy is being fulfilled. Total chaos, people killing one another, mass confusion, the whole world has gone completely insane. But His Bride is completely at rest, for they are becoming One with the Father. God is bringing His Bride together till every member is in perfect harmony with each other and with God. His prayer is being answered, we are becoming One with Him.

We are in His likeness, in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become sons and daughters. Not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person, joined in wedlock to the Eternal. See how God planned it that we should be not a different, but Him! Not some other being of some other tribe, but a real union and offspring of the Almighty, done by a holy union.

The only way we can become One with Him in unity is to not compromise or deviate on any Word. We must believe every Word.

He is with us in the daytime, He is guiding us, feeding us with His Stored Up Food. Loving us and communing with us constantly, we are now becoming in God’s image, having perfect fellowship with Him through His Word. Christ and His Bride are One.

We are the same thing, same Spirit, same works, same signs, everything else. It is the end of the third day, He has appeared to His Bride once again, He is bringing His Bride together by His Spoken Word.

What is taking place today for His Bride around the world?

It is Easter again for the true believers of His never-failing Word. It’s Easter. It’s a resurrection. God has got people everywhere. It’s Easter for them…

The Royal Seed has been hid in the roots, the Word, hid back here in this Word, for years, and years, and years, and just now begin to be revealed. It’s Easter time. Predestinated from the foundation of the world, this Church is begin to stand.

We are having an Easter resurrection just as He had for the Bridegroom. The evening Light has come and made Himself manifested before His predestinated seed. It is the perfect Prophet Tree, preaching the perfect Prophet’s Word, with perfect Prophet signs, perfect Prophet results, perfect fruits of the Spirit.

The evening Light has come for the same purpose the morning Light came for, to restore the whole Word of God again, the full manifestation of Christ in His Church. Everything that He did, just exactly the way He did then, He has done it again.

He has revealed to us that the Bridegroom Tree, without the Female, can’t bear fruit, so He’s got to have a Bride Tree to fulfill His Word. We ARE that Bride tree. We are born of the same material, the Word made flesh in the Tree

What an exciting time it is for His Bride. We will once again be a part of prophecy being fulfilled this Sunday as we unite together at 12:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time to hear: The Restoration Of The Bride Tree 62-0422.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will go with It on these tapes, and across the nations. And if I shall be taken from the earth, may This live, Lord. It’s Your Word. Let the evening Light shine, Lord, bring forth this glorious Bride of Christ. Bless It, Lord. May It not return to You void. May It accomplish that which It was been purposed for. Grant it, Father. All praises shall be Thine.

The same Holy Spirit that spoke This Message 58 years ago will be with each of us in our homes, in our churches, in the hospitals, no matter where we are gathered to hear This Word. The Church, collectively, is getting together in a union, one here and one there. We are making up His Bride.

Bro. Joseph Branham

  • Joel 1:1-4
  • Joel 2:25
  • Genesis 20:7
  • Psalm 1
  • Ephesians 1:5
  • II Timothy 3:1-5
  • I John 5:7-8




