The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Oneness with Him,

How blessed, happy and excited we are today. The very God of Creation came and made Himself flesh and gave to us His Son as a sacrifice, so we might be forgiven of all our sins and justified before the Father.

Then He promised He would return once again and live in flesh and reveal to a certain group of people all the secrets and mysteries that have been hid before the foundation of the world.

He fulfilled that promise and spoke to us through that flesh and told us, now, you are ONE with me. What I am, you ARE, because you are flesh of My flesh, bone of My Bone; you are My fully restored Bride. What you say I will bring it to pass. The power of the Holy Ghost lives in you, therefore there is no disagreement on My Message, My Word, or My messenger. I was God made flesh in My Son, I Was God made flesh in my messenger, now I Am God made flesh in EACH OF YOU BY MY WORD. The power of My Word is in each of you.

Therefore tonight, as never before, we’ve got the strength to yield our Sword in our hands and claim It to be our personal property, holding It with our strong hand of FAITH, and say, “I take my side with the Lord. I’ll be oneness with my God, from this on. I’ll yield this Sword of the Spirit in this Word, and I’ll cut the devil to every promise that God promised me.”

Then we’ll tell Father:

“God, by this, by my uplifted hand I pledge all my life. I pledge my soul, I pledge my thinking, I pledge everything to the Word of God. Let the Holy Spirit take my faith now and give to me the thing. Cut every doubt away from me. And, by faith, I receive the promise that I ask for, this moment.”

We will pledge everything to Him and accept all He has given to us. Then take what He has given to us and pray for the ones that have need of a special touch from Him. We will believe that they will receive what they have need of, because we will be holding our Sword of FAITH and claiming it for them and for ourselves.

Bro. Joseph