Tape Journaling Themes

Have you been enjoying ‘The Eagles Gathering Together’ Tapes each week?

Have you been enjoying your Quiet Time Journaling?

Now we have a way for you to combine these two together!

We will be posting a WEEKLY Tape Journaling Theme based on The Branham Tabernacle Tape from that previous Sunday. This will be a great way to review the Message we have just heard in Church. Use it for your Quiet Time, Sunday school classes, family devotions, or as a study guide.

God has an exact plan laid out for His little flock in this last day to prepare them for His very SOON coming! What will prepare that little flock, His Bride, for His Coming? The Word that was stored up on the Tapes! And it is truly Spiritual Food in due season!

However you choose to use the Tape Journaling Theme pages, we pray that it will be a blessing to you as we ALL dig deeper into The Word and become in Perfect Oneness with our Lord Jesus.

God bless you,


Follow this link to the Oneness Tape Theme!