
We hope these testimonies put a smile on your face. They sure did to us!

The Answer

Reading the quote of the day is always such a blessing. I have a little testimony I wanted to share with the Bride of Christ. I am currently in the process of buying a house. I submitted an offer to the owner and I received their counter offer, which is the highest amount I wanted to pay for, but I was still unsure if It was really God will.

There was a water problem bothering me. There was a risk of water leaking into the basement if there was too much rain, and I only had that in my mind. While in prayer on Sunday morning, I just felt that my answer would be in the Quote Of The Day. So, I took my phone and opened it.

It happens that I was already right on the Quote Of The Day page, but my page was scrolled down to the "Daily Bread. And it read like this: I Kings 17:1 As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

That settle all my question. I accepted the counter offer!

God bless you richly,

Brother Samuel, Canada

He Answers The Little Questions Too

After reading the "Smiles" article yesterday, I told my husband I felt I should share something. Last Friday, I was cleaning my house and wanted to turn on a Message. I decided to turn on one from "On This Day" and turned on "Look" 63-0428.

I put my phone in the pocket of my skirt so I could hear it as I'm walking through the house, cleaning. Near the beginning, Brother Branham talks about how he just finished a series on the Seals! (we had just finished this at church) Coincidence? I don't think so.

Then, as I'm cleaning my bathtub and trying to figure out how to get some stains from the bathtub, Brother Branham starts talking about Clorox. I had my answer on how to get the stains out. God's Word undoubtedly still applies today and how blessed we are that He speaks through us each time we press play!

God bless you!

Sister Heather, USA

A Good Meal For The Prophet’s Birthday

We enjoyed the video you posted of Bro. Branham's birthday!

To surprise my family I made "supper" tonight with some of Brother Branham's favorite food: Fried squirrel, cornbread, pinto beans, and to top it off, CHERRY PIE. And then I played this really nice quote:

"He is my Lord and my Saviour. And may, if I live to see another birthday, or as many birthdays as I have in the—the oncoming years of my life, I want to place every minute of my time in service of Him. Amen."

59-0406 New Ministry

This church that he was at, they were singing happy birthday to him.

Karl and Melissa Brandt, USA