A Double Blessing

You've got to first find the will of God. Now, you've got to find the will of God this morning, as you're coming to be prayed for, you've got to find the will of God, whether it's God's will to heal you or not. And the next thing you have to do, if you're coming to get salvation, you've got to find out whether it's God's will to save you or not. The first thing you have to find out, what God's will is. And then, if you really have received the seed in your heart, then you can be persistent. There's nothing going to move you. No matter what wisdom man tries to say, “It's not so, and it's not this and that and the other,” it doesn't move you one iota, because you know what the will of God is. He spoke it into your heart, your faith sets there and it'll hold right on no matter if there's no more than like a grain of mustard seed. It'll bring you right out to the—to the place. The will of God.

62-0218 Perseverance

When we are heading for a blessing that is when the enemy puts all the roadblocks he can think of in front of us. But when that seed of faith has dropped into the heart of a believer, they can’t be moved. This brother followed the leading of the Lord when he felt it upon his heart to attend the Macon Agapao meetings. When he put the Lord first, a double blessing was the result.

On Sunday, May 15th, as I walked into church I had no intentions of going to Macon, GA the following weekend for the Agapao Tour. I had several things going on, but the biggest reason for not going was my dog. Our dog, Buddy, was recently diagnosed with diabetes. We have spent several weeks trying to get his blood sugar under control. He was getting an insulin shot twice a day, every day.

As I sat there in church reading and praying, a really strong feeling came on my heart to take my wife and little boy to Macon for the Tour. All I knew was that we needed to go. As we prepared for the trip, I was not sure what to do about Buddy. I couldn’t trouble someone to come to my house twice a day to give him shots, so I did the only thing I knew to do, we prayed. Right before leaving, my wife and I laid our hands on Buddy and turned the whole situation over to the Lord. I prayed “Lord, You laid it on my heart to go, so I am going to go. I’m not going to worry about him. You need to take care of Buddy.” So we gave him plenty of food and water and went on our way, what a wondrous time we had. The presence of the Lord was so strong in all three services and I got what I needed, a refilling of the Holy Spirit. It was a perfect weekend, and I knew everything was fine back home.

When we got home late Sunday night, the first thing I did was to go check on the dogs. As I walked outside, Buddy came running to me like a young puppy. He was jumping around excited to see me. He hasn’t acted this way in months. His eyes looked bright and clear and he looked different. He looked refreshed. At that moment, I knew the Lord healed him. I haven’t given him a shot since and he keeps looking better each day. I guess both he and I got what we needed and we both had the perfect weekend.