
You’ve got to face one thing, Eternal Life, and there is only one Person Who can give That to you. Mama can’t give It to you. Papa can’t give It to you. Your pastor can’t give It to you. Your leader here can’t give It to you. Everybody that gets Eternal Life has got to come to Jesus Christ. He is the only One Who can give That part.

Your teacher can give you an education, she can teach you; you have to learn it. Your—your mother can teach you to walk; you have to learn to walk. Your father can teach you how to be a businessman, or what; you have to learn that. But only Jesus can give you Eternal Life. See?

65-1031a Leadership

We received the following outreach report from Brother Keith Herne, VGR office manager in Cape Town, South Africa, who is hoping a few young people will make the right choice for leadership in their lives. It may seem foreign to us in the United States, but schools are still a place for spreading the Gospel in Africa. 

The team has been approaching schools for evangelism. With the so-called tolerance with, and respect for, other religions' policies and acts in South Africa, it is difficult to find an open door for evangelism. But God made it possible to get into at least one school so far.

We were given the opportunity to play a portion of “Leadership” 65-1031 message at a highschool here in South Africa. The children first read the quote out loud, and I then played it. After the sermon, some students accepted the invitation to stay behind to hear more.

The principal testified that it was amazing to witness the children being so quiet and attentive, who are usually noisy at assemblies. We are doing weekly follow-ups with the interested students at the school. I have also adopted the school for 2018, going there to pray for the school once a week early morning, before any activities take place. Only the janitor is there during this time. I do a "Prayer Walk" (that they would hear more of God's Voice) throughout the school.

Please keep this school in your prayers.

Brother Keith Herne