Both Ends of the Line

Sometimes a situation may seem impossible, but Father may be putting our faith to the test. This brother had reason to doubt when he was faced with a similar situation that previously didn’t turn out like he wanted. Or, did it? Just hold to the promise for that request, He is working on both ends of the line.

I would like to give the Lord Jesus all the praise, honor and glory for He is truly the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Friday evening I dropped a dual axle equipment trailer at a job site where I had to pick up a piece of rental equipment. I knew I was coming back through on Monday, and I didn't want to pull the trailer all the way home and back.

When I went back Monday morning to pick up the trailer and piece of equipment, the trailer was not there. I called the customer and property owner to see if they had moved it, they had not. The trailer had been stolen sometime over the weekend. I filled out a police report and told my boss that our company trailer had been stolen.

Then I thought about asking the Lord and having a prayer request sent out to all our local assembly, but Satan put a doubting thought in my mind saying, "Why would you do that. What about that other trailer, do you want another NO answer?" A few years back I had a trailer stolen and prayed about it, but it hasn't returned or been found yet.

Then I thought, NO! I am going to ask the saints to pray and bring it before the Lord! About an hour later, I got a text from a brother from my church saying that he had found the trailer!

On location where the trailer was found.

I don't believe in coincidences, and this brother had previously worked with me and knew what the trailer looked like. He had gone to pick up a piece of equipment from a repair shop, and the trailer was there!

God had worked it out on both ends, knowing that he would be going there to pick up that equipment and that I would be asking for prayer! Just wanted to share this testimony and to give God all the credit for the trailer being restored.

This double rainbow was over our shop the day the trailer was recovered.

God Bless you.

Brother Chris

