I Was There

Every once in a while, we get a special treasure from brothers and sisters who were present at Brother Branham’s meetings. The following was received as feedback from one of the recent Finland articles posted on this website.

Back in 1958 we received a half page ad from my cousin in Pittsfield, Mass. that had two pictures of Brother Branham. One side had him with a Bible in his hand and said he was a famous evangelist, and the other picture showed him with a gun and a caribou and called him a famous game hunter. It said he was coming to preach in the high school auditorium for two nights.

There were four carloads of us from my Upstate NY area that went to hear him. My sister, brother-in-law, and I sat in the balcony as it was very crowded. He was wonderful! After the Message he had a prayer line. That was wonderful, and I saw many that were healed and praising the Lord. One tall thin young man came before Bro. Branham, and Bro. Branham told him that he was very nervous and was a young preacher, and announced that he was healed. This young man ran with his arms up screaming down the aisle.

I saw many other wonderful healings. After I got home it was very late, but the next morning I ordered a bunch of reel-to-reel tapes. I could not get enough. Then it moved on to cassettes, so I ordered them. Then it went to CD. I still have boxes of the single Spoken Word books. I had to move to a small apartment from my house in Upstate NY to be near my daughter in Connecticut.

I cannot thank God enough for the Revelation of God speaking through His Prophet. To think that the Great I AM actually opened my eyes makes me cry even now. I did go through physical illnesses and I do not know why, but God held my hand and now here I am at age 91 and looking for a soon Rapture.

When I see the condition of the world now it cannot be far off that we will be lifted to the higher dimension. I spend time praying for people.

Hulda Robertson
