May Quiz Messages

In June of 1958, Brother Branham preached a 5-day tent meeting in Dallas, TX. We have chosen two of his messages from this meeting to post on the Young Foundations quiz page for the month of May.

It was Brother Branham’s third visit to the city of Dallas, and he felt a little small and out of place speaking before all the fine ministers with his Kentucky sassafras preaching. But as you listen to his first message of the meeting, The Message To The Laodicean Church Age, you’ll find out how the great effort he put forth was a blessing to all. His desire was to make the sinner realize that he is a sinner, and to make the saint rejoice in Christ, to make the sick know that there is a Healer, and for his brethren to be inspired, and to move forward with greater anticipations than ever before.

For us, the Bride of Christ, his desires have come true. That Kentucky sassafras preaching rings truer than any other words that mortal lips could speak, for It is truly the Voice of God to this generation. From Brother Branham’s Scripture reading in Revelations 3:20; we have heard the Voice of the Lord, we have opened the door, and we believe He has come in to sup with us, and we with Him.

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and will open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Revelations 3:20

Now, we need to let Him in, and when He comes in, worship Him and say, “Come in, Lord. Be my Saviour. Be my God. Be my Ruler. Be my Healer. Be my… Be all that I—I want to know in life, be. Be my Lord. Take everything that I've got, Lord, and rule it. Take my emotions. I will not be ashamed any more. Take my pride. Stand in the door and cloth me, Lord, with Your Word.” Going to see a revival start then. “Stand in my private life, Lord. Make me what You'd want me to be. Let me not take my own thoughts but take Yours, God. Lead me, O Lord.” He will never take you from the Word.

58-0609 The Message To The Laodicean Church

Thirsting For Life is the second quiz message chosen from the Dallas tent meetings. It’s a subject that Brother Branham spoke on often, but it never fails to ring in our hearts, for we have drank from the fountain of Life.

And oh, brother, David said, “As the hart thirsts for the water brook, my soul thirsts after Thee, O God.” I must find Him or I’ll perish. I’ve been wounded, and I must find the waters of Life or I’ll perish. “God, I’ve joined churches. I’ve jerked from this and from that, from this snare to the other.” But if you don’t find the waters of Life, you’ll perish. But once get into that water, He’s there. He will stay, where there is a fountain of Life, flowing freely tonight in the house of David, in the city of God. Oh, people, rush, hunger, thirst. “Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

58-0611 Thirsting For Life

The tape quizzes will be available for the entire month of May for anyone to take, but only youth with an ID# can submit scores at this time. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.

-Young Foundations