
Branham.org is meant to serve you, and your feedback continues to be a vital part of what we do on a day-to-day basis. It helps us know what is on your heart and how to better serve you, the Bride of Christ. 

Here is some of the recent feedback we have received.

Thank you so much for adding this. It was so special to join the African family in their hut, the believers in Malawi singing and so forth. It makes us more connected in heart and spirit to our precious brothers and sisters around the world. What a treasure!

Thank you, and God bless you VGR for sending these special videos! They give joy and teach me what is taking place with the Bride of Christ worldwide!

Brother Branham was so humble that he didn't even realize he had the voice of a singer, he was the greatest singer!

This was my "Christmas" song this past year. After listening to this Message, I fell in love with it like I never had before. Thank you for the history behind it. I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you, Lord. Don't know how anyone could read/listen without tears flowing.

May God bless and protect all of His precious Tape Boys! We should be so thankful to have "the Table" spread before us.

God ever bless those tape boys' efforts! May they win many souls to our Heavenly Father's Kingdom.

Wow. Putting a motorcycle in a dugout canoe, and then walking it across those branches. My, it makes me feel pretty small to see that.

Tears fill my eyes as I watch this video of my prophet, my pastor, my special friend. I can't wait until that great Reunion Day.

Brother Branham says on Tape, "Do you accept me as God's prophet?" Yes sir, I do with all my heart, I do. I am so glad I am one of those millions in this statement, "Today, Brother Branham has millions of friends around the world who love him, and most of all, they love the Message he brought. We, like you, look forward to the time that we can fellowship with him in the Presence of our Lord Jesus."

God speaks His Word to us each day using his voice. Never can we be thankful enough for God's great plan, and His predestinated grace to us in revealing this Message to our hearts. So excited that the time is near for the resurrection & rapture when he will introduce us to our Bridegroom.

To the sister who had a sixth baby, and is healthy. I'm praying every day for you Sister Likango. I have an almost one-year-old baby girl, and I cannot imagine what you have gone through, but I know the Lord Jesus is with you and your testimony will touch many lives!

I read these wonderful testimonies of the prayer cloth healings in the morning after taking my boys to school. Then later in the day, I was looking for a Message to listen to, and my mind went back to the quote of the day, so I downloaded that sermon, 53-0613 God's Provided Way. It is neat how this Message starts out with Brother Branham telling about the prayer cloth ministry and of several instances where people received their healing when using them. This perfectly went with the prayer cloth testimonies posted today and was a real blessing to me.

Oh, glory to Jesus Christ our God! Who would we be without these Tapes? Truly, the Word of God has power.

Surely it has been the most rewarding 70 years in history, to see and know the things that God has done through His Prophet and his Tape ministry!

I feel His presence right now as I am listening to this! Wow! I don't even want to move!

What an incredible testimony. This has increased my faith in God, and now I know he has made a way for me even before my prayers are spoken. Amen!

I love this. That's our Lord; he's always on time. Thank his holy Name.

All I'm thinking is, "I am the True Vine...." TREMENDOUS!

After reading this awesome testimony, I couldn't contain my excitement! I started clapping my hands so hard until I realized that they were stinging! But this is so precious to me and is a manifestation of what His Word says!

Praise be to His Name. The brother is not alone, but with Christ Jesus who is in him and believe there are others whom our Lord shall call.

Dear Brother Mungure, know that you are loved by many with Godly love, and I can assure you, even though I too am a one-person worship service, that you are covered in prayer by God's Bride, myself included. You are a great encouragement to me, and I'm certain many many others!

I am alone here too with some Christian friends not in our Message. I am the only one standing like this brother in Tanzania.

God is always there!