
How many parents out there reading this article like their children to laugh? If we are made in the image of God, then surely our Lord Jesus likes seeing His children smiling and enjoying themselves.

We hope that the following testimonies will put a smile on thousands of God’s children’s faces.

Sometimes He Gives Us The Answer We Want To Hear

This morning I was driving to work and I wanted to stop by Dunkin Donuts and get an iced coffee, but I had left a few minutes late and didn't know if I would have time. When I left home, I put on a tape I'd been listening to that morning. As I was driving I thought to myself, “I wonder if I'll have time to go get a coffee at Dunkin Donuts?” I no more than thought that, and Brother Branham said, “D, prayer card D like in Duncan. See? D number 4. All right, come, lady.” Needless to say, I got my Dunkin Donuts iced coffee and made it to work about a minute early.

Sister Katie, USA

Who Is That Man On The Agapao Tablet?

I just wanted to let you all know what a blessing the Agapao Tablet Hero edition has been to our family. My children are definitely spending more time hearing the Voice during their Quiet Time. I am certainly hearing more, “Brother Branham said…” I love it! Truly their ears are being trained to hear the Master's Voice! Well, the other day one of my little guys came down and said that there was something wrong with his tablet. I asked what he was talking about. He responded that there was some strange “man” talking to him, and that it was NOT Brother Branham, by which he was really offended. When I asked him to show me, I realized that he was playing the Church Age book. Which, of course, I assured him would be a blessing to listen to, and explained it was someone reading to him from the book. He accepted that explanation with, “Brother Joseph would only put the VOICE OF GOD on there.” We thank you so much for making the tablet available to us that even our little ones can have full access to the VOICE, without having to worry that they may touch the wrong button and see/hear something they should not.

Sister Shawn, USA

Teaching Your Children Proper Word Choices

There's a little joke I wanted to share about this article. I homeschool three of my kids, and when we read the article about Brother Booth's experience at the altar, I said to them, “Notice, he didn't say it was ‘awesome’ or ‘I can't put my feelings into words,’ but he used language to vividly describe that experience." My ten-year-old then said to me in his quiet way, “Yes, Mummy, but he did use the word ‘indescribable?’” I burst out laughing. He was right.

(In the article, Brother Booth-Clibborn described his second trip to the altar as “indescribably ecstasy.”)

Sister Nicole, Trinidad and Tobago

Jesus Cares For The Ants Too!

My kids and I have just witnessed, a few minutes ago, the Healing Power of Our Lord in one of His little creatures: an ant. While the ant was walking on our table looking for food, my 6-year-old son crushed it to kill it. Everyone was upset and told him it wasn't necessary. We decided to pray for the ant, and then to play the Message for the ant to be exposed to the Power of The Voice. We made many videos so you could witness the improvement of the ant until it could walk again, only under the Power of the Voice of God for our age. To God and His Infallible Word all the Glory! Believe in the Power of The Voice, Saints, that is preparing us for the Rapture! May The Lord Jesus Christ bless you all abundantly!

Sister Marie-Hélène Montreal, Quebec, Canada

A Father’s Wisdom

My nine-year-old boy (Joseph), like many boys, loves to wrestle with his cousins and friends. So, whenever some of them enrolled in martial arts wrestling classes, it really pulled on him. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to keep up with them, and they would beat him at wrestling, which would be a terrible thing. He was pretty sure we would not agree to let him go, but he asked us anyway and tried to tell us how important it was for him to keep up with the other boys. Well, he knows how his papa is about that sort of thing: he is not in favor of the children being in sports, etc. that take up a lot of time, and where the children will be with other worldly kids and possibly the wrong atmosphere.

But, wisely, my husband did not give him a flat out “no.” Knowing how my husband feels about this sort of thing, this really surprised me. Instead, he would get down in the floor with our son and wrestle with him, and tell him how tough he would have to be if he went to martial arts class. Well, this went on for several weeks. Then one day when we were doing family devotions together, it came around to Joseph's turn to read from the Bible. He read the next verse: “The Lord is my defense...” Immediately, he exclaimed, “I don't need to go to martial arts!” And that was the end of it! He found his answer in the Word!

Sister Sharon, USA


I was sitting on the couch with my little boy, listening to one of the October tape quizzes. As we are listening, Brother Branham says, "Jesus took men who didn’t even know their ABC’s, and anointed them with the Holy Spirit." My little boy says, "Did they take me?" I asked, "Why?" He says, "Because I didn't even learn my ABC's." I had to laugh. It was so cute!

Sister Grigg, USA

Recognizing The Word

Recently, I asked my two year old daughter, Selah, to bring me some "tape". She brought me our Hero Tablet. It brought such a smile to my face and a joy to my heart that even at such a young age she recognizes the Word!

Sister Hope, USA