Have Faith

This sister received some frightening news from a medical checkup. This test could mean that her life was on the line, but it was during a church service that a fellow believer was obedient to the prophet's words. 

In August of 2018, my husband and I went to the doctor for our annual checkup. My husband asked the doctor about doing an ultra sound test on my carotid arteries because I am so forgetful. The doctor agreed that we should do the test.

So, I had the test done on Thursday, and a week later on Friday night, after most offices are closed, the nurse practitioner called me on my cell phone to tell me that my carotid arteries were fine, but that the vertebral arteries behind the carotids were not allowing any bloodflow to my brain.

I asked her to talk with my husband. We were out to supper with our son and daughter-in-law in another town. So, she told him what she had told me, and that she had already made an appointment with a vascular surgeon for the following Friday.

So, after we said our good-byes, we headed the two hours back home. I'm a nurse by trade, so I know enough to be dangerous about my own health. I told my husband that I understood the seriousness of my situation. If they had to do surgery, all it takes is one little piece of plaque to break loose, and I would be gone. I also told him that I didn't necessarily want to leave him and our grown boys (all of which do not believe the same as us), but that it would be a win-win situation for me.

If I got through everything okay, that would be great; if not I'd pass over, and that would be great! The next morning, we drove to a nearby city to return a rental car. When we got there, he (husband) went in to return the car. When he returned to me, I asked him if my face was red. He said yes, and asked what had happened. I told him I just got this strange feeling inside my neck, like a great pressure, then all of a sudden it let go. Now my face felt hot and red like I had taken a medication that makes you flush.

He got a strange smile on his face, and told me that he had asked one of our brothers in Christ to pray for me. I asked him when, and he said when he was driving to the city to return the rental car, about 20 minutes before we got there.

When we went to see the surgeon on Friday, he told us he had seen the report, but forgetfulness was not a symptom. Other than the test results, I wasn't really exhibiting any symptoms for the diagnosis. So, the least invasive thing for him to do was repeat the test with “his people.” We agreed, but had to wait two weeks. In the meantime, we had planned to go on vacation. I felt that my issue was over since our brother had prayed for me, and the Lord had taken care of my issue. However, while on vacation, we always start in Jeffersonville, 4.5 hours from where we live. At church that Sunday, Brother Branham, during the end of the service, said, “lay your hands on your neighbor and pray for them.” Of course, we did so, and the Brother behind me laid his hand on my shoulder. To say the least, I was overwhelmed when the same thing happened in my neck again. A great pressure, then all of a sudden it let go. I was TOTALLY HEALED.

I didn't even think at that time that I had a problem any longer. I thought the first time it was gone. We found our brother after service to explain what had taken place during church. I thanked him for laying his hand on my shoulder. He said he didn't do anything; but I thanked him for listening to God and Brother Branham.

By the time we finished our vacation and got back to the surgeon, they repeated the test the same morning as my appointment with him. He set it up that way so he could see everything himself. He came in and talked with us for a few minutes, then said he didn't see anything he needed to do. But if I have another issue arise, to call him.

I said, “Praise the Lord and no offense, but hopefully we will not have to come again; and it was very nice meeting you Dr. Long.” We shook his hand and left. We are a very fortunate and privileged people.