
Brother Branham said, “Now, we are, in an amateur way we are creators.” He also said that we create an atmosphere around us, which is how others know we are Christians. To create this atmosphere, it is important that our minds are always on the things of God. We must be thinking about God, hearing the Word, and like the apostle James said, “…be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…”

There is a department here at VGR that is setting a great example for the youth. It’s called “Creations” and it has a worldwide ministry.

It started a few years ago, as classes for the local youth in Jeffersonville. Our vision was to give the parents, Sunday school teachers, and homeschool group another way to keep the Message before their children by giving them easy projects they could do based around the Word. We have received so many request from both parents, homeschoolers, and Sunday School teachers to have a form like this to give them ideas and step by step projects they can do. Like the attached project, we also have sewing classes, woodworking, and ßcrafts that are all designed around the Message of the hour. We feel the important thing is that their minds are on the Word of God.

And it’s catching on! There are now Creations classes around the world, where parents and Sunday schools are taking the initiative to put their kids to work creating lessons with powerful messages. Here in Jeffersonville, the team is constantly coming up with new activities that we share on our website: Creations.

The latest project was a lesson on the Seven Seals. The kids used a template we put together that helped them to memorize things that a lot of us adults might not know, like what lead up to the opening of the Seals, what happened in Sabino Canyon, what happened at Sunset Mountain, where are the Seals in the Bible, who wrote the Book of Revelation, and a lot more!

The following is a report from the Creations team and how this project affected believers from different parts of the world.

As you may know, Creations has been posting weekly worksheets to go along with each of the Seven Seals. Since then, we’ve been getting some great feedback and pictures from young heroes all around the world, who have been very diligent in studying the Seals along with us!

It’s a great blessing to see children, families and churches from near and far come together around the common grounds of the Word. What a joy to watch as they each sit around their tables with their printed worksheets, and the Voice of God in their ears, learning more of God’s precious Word.

We wanted to share some of the many pictures we’ve received to encourage you that you’re not alone. It certainly encourages us to do more!

Click Here to view the past articles with worksheets. You can always send pictures of your students with their projects and worksheets to creations@youngfoundations.org.

We hope you enjoy!


Periodically, we will be posting more reports from Creations classes around the world. We pray they are a blessing to you and they give you some ideas to encourage the youth in your area.






