At Jesus’ Feet

 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matthew 6:33

How many of us have taken the same attitude this young sister has? We ask the Lord and expect to receive, and when we don't, we lose faith. James 1:3 tells us that the trying of our faith worketh patience, so when we don't immediately receive what we ask for, we should still be encouraged because God is building patience within us. Sister Grace has shown wisdom far beyond her years in the following testimony. 

Last year I made a list of the things I believe my family and I need. I asked the Lord for funding for my studies, a ticket to attend the Still Waters camp, a job for my father, a car for the family, my brother's salvation and a part time job for myself.

After praying, I started to imagine or expect all this to instantly fall into place when the new year began, and when it didn't I started to doubt, question, and fight; I was just miserable. However, the more I prayed, listened, and studied the Word, the more my only prayer has become a closer walk with Him.

Matthew 6:33 has been my turn around scripture. I have realized that I have treated my Saviour as an errand boy, going to Him only to ask for things I think I need and want.

My God has now blessed me with a little part time job in taking care of children and helping them with their school work (something I had never imagined I would do). Now, in my heart, I understand that when you leave something at Jesus’ feet, you should do just that, leave it at His feet and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

God knows what we need and when the right time is to get it. It becomes really hard, especially as a young person, to make others understand what exactly is going on in your life, and I am praying that the Lord will put the words in my mouth to use all circumstances as an opportunity to testify of His greatness.

I am just grateful for every day He gives me, and pray that I fulfill my daily purpose. I believe God is in control and will answer at the right time, for His Word can never fail.

Sis. Grace

South Africa