Letters From Prisoners

When that great day comes, we might be surprised at how many people received the Message while they were behind bars. There is still a great hunger for the things of God among those who are incarcerated in the prison systems. Here are excerpts from some of the letters we’ve received from those who have heard the Word of God inside a prison cell.

When I first received your books I was upset. As the policy here is that books have to be turned back into the library before you can receive more. You had better believe I was upset! Then I read the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and well, I had to repent. How could I have thought about keeping this to myself. What love that would have shown for myself. I became ashamed, and asked the Lord to forgive me. This was meant to be given out and given out freely, just as I received. This revelation must be told. Now if someone asks for a book, even if I am reading it, I hand it right over to them. See, I have the Revelation. Thank you!


I thank you for the Bread of life, for without it I would indeed die. There is no pastor to talk to, no fellowship, but I have more than any of that would offer me. I am indebted to you for all your time and the money it takes to feed my soul, but be assured, my soul was dead and no life in it before this. With the first book I received, Broken Cisterns, while holding it, I felt my soul move within me testifying that new life was coming. God bless you, brethren, I will see you over there.


The material you send to us is truly a blessing. I pray our Lord Jesus will continue to bless you and all the work you do for the Kingdom of Heaven. We here, continually lift you up in our prayers and we are so thankful.


I asked for some books and a friend said, "Here is the truth." I thought, "I have heard that all my life." Well, I will tell anybody that if they want the truth, this is it!


Everyone here tells me of a little revelation that will change my life, so please send me the little booklet on the Mysteries.


Can you send me the tract on the Mysteries? I just love that one, and it opens my eyes to so many things. I wanted another one to give to my mother. I’m sure she will love it like I do.


I just love Brother Branham and the way he brings everything down to a level I can understand. He is such a great teacher. Sometimes I feel so bad reading the Messages, because I know I am not worthy. I just believe what Brother Branham says and I've never heard anyone else say it this way. I can’t be worthy but Jesus Christ is, and I go in with Him. What a blessing.


We thank you for remembering us.


Thank the Lord, my time is short. This year I am released to go back to my home in Mexico.

It has been three years and your ministry has helped me every day. Every day I invite the Lord to be with me. I tell Him how much this Message, and the ones dedicated to providing it, mean to me. When I arrived I knew I could not make it, and then someone paved the way for me by giving me your address for Spanish material. I did not know what I would be receiving. Instead of books, I received a door and a way to a new life. It has been three years and I loved every day. Thank God for Brother Branham. It is going to be a grand Homecoming.


It's over 10 years now, and it just gets sweeter all the time. Sometimes when I get busy working or such, I get a pain in my heart. I just cannot wait to get back to my room and the Message books. Never could understand that feeling, then I read Brother Branham talking about the kite string. That is it; it is always tugging.


In this prison, we all salute you and everyone around the world that keeps this ministry alive. We all know that if not for your love and stand, we in here would be lost with no hope. See, no one tells these truths. Brother Branham is a great man and we are so glad that his ministry is going on as strong as ever.


I am happy to tell you I am out, praising the Lord and doing well. I just wanted to thank you for all the years you fed me, encouraged my soul, and kept my faith alive. I was so down and out when I was jailed and another inmate gave me a book to read. From the time I started reading, I knew something was just right here. Everything that I ever got reading the Bible was just like light in the movies when the stars just wiz by because they go so fast. Everything was like I was falling through the book. I remember leaning against the wall to make sure I was not dizzy. It was all there and I felt I knew all there was to know but really, what I knew was I was completely wrong. As Brother Branham talks about the light destroying the darkness, I saw every dark part of my life just so clear. Brothers, it has been years and as great as that first Message was, every Message since has been just as great and the darkness is less and less every day.


We here know that, in this day, the Word of God to the world comes through Brother Branham. Thank you for the food of life.


A month ago, in Chapel, I fell at the feet of Christ and cried for forgiveness. The brothers came around and were praying for me. Someone, I do not know who, shoved a little booklet in my hand and said, "This is the roadmap, follow no other." Brothers, I never heard anything like this and I am hungering for more.


God’s blessing to you in the Name of our Messiah, Jesus Christ. Brother, what blessings, what anointing, you have been sending me through the written Word. Through the prayers and the prophet’s Message I am a new person. I speak differently, I walk differently, for I am a son of God! I have enclosed my new address, as man’s prison has granted my release. My debt has been paid, and I now go to church and am now an usher.

Oh, the Lord has just been so good to me. I cannot thank you enough.

South Africa

Brothers, pray that my family will receive this Message, for it is God’s truth in these dark days. I was allowed to bring some books with me, and while here, I found a few more but they are worn from the constant use and some show where tears of repentance have fallen. Please, if you can send more of God’s Word to this place. The darker it is, the brighter the Light does shine. Thank you for the work you do. I pray someday I can serve you.

South Africa