
Your feedback continues to drive a lot of what we do here on branham.org. Whether it’s an article, a video, or history from those who have carried the Light in their day, our goal is to encourage you in the battle and keep the Word before you.

Here are just a few of the responses from recent articles posted on branham.org.

This little sister is a dear friend of my daughter, Emma Grace... My daughter explained the battles Sister Lillie struggled with, and my heart went out to her because I understood having struggled with similar battles as a teenager and adult. I told my daughter we need to pray God will bless her for doing that. We prayed that God would bless her greatly and He did. Thank you, Jesus! This testimony is close to my heart because God delivered me from many of these same things and in the same way.

I thought am the only one suffering from this. I do fear people and I am shy to people, I avoid groups and so bad I even avoid spiritual gatherings, pray for me, I need a miracle like this.

The devil makes it seem so real; I'm so glad she could see that it was the devil and then fight it. I've never suffered from that type of anxiety, but plenty of self-condemnation, self-pity, and dwelling on the negatives. Indeed, the greatest battle ever fought is in the mind, and the biggest lies are wrapped up in 99% truth. But when you can't get your oppressed mind wrapped around a Bible verse or a quote, you can still "press play," and He will fight your battle for you! What a merciful God to make it so available, no matter how stiff the battle! I LOVE THAT VOICE!

Thank you for this. I always love to hear of those who have carried the cross before me. God help me, and all of us, to carry the Word as fearlessly and faithfully as they did in this dark hour.

Sometimes constant fighting wears you down, and you get tired. The lives and words of these great men encourage me to keep on the firing line. Maybe one day my life can be an encouragement to someone too.

Thank you so much for this article. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. I love reading these things. These truly were gallant men. I had heard their names but never done the research.

As a homeschool family, we love these bits of history that you've started posting. The information is so interesting to us. It makes us feel like we know the brothers and sisters that you tell about on a more personal level.

So tremendous! Glory to our wonderful Lord Jesus. What timing with several families in our church desiring their little "love gifts."

This is so encouraging to me, since my husband and I lost our first child, and I'm now pregnant with our second only by the grace of God. Please remember us in your prayers.

My whole day just got better!

This testimony is very timely for me. It's a long story (which I will share when I conceive). But, we have a highchair sitting in our kitchen that has been there for 20 years. It is my husband's, and we had the Scripture Hebrews 11:1 painted on it 20 years ago. I looked at it yesterday and thought, it will happen.

My husband and I have been married 7+ years, and we want to have kids of our own so bad. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries syndrome in January of 2017. The journey continues, and we struggle as we fight this demon. God has already healed my body, I believe it. Now I await his blessing on our lives. My husband says twins. God alone knows.

I was reading this testimony out to my mom, and we were so blessed. We have a tendency in our home, that when one talks about something which blessed them from the Message or the preaching at church, we clap our hands. After I had read the testimony to her, she put her hands together to start clapping as our prayer time tendency. It means it had blessed her more.

Hallelujah! Powerful testimony! Thank you for sharing this blessed testimony, my sister. Truly, God is using you in a special way. Jesus said "let your light shine for the world to see," and you are doing just that to these children.

I love the "matter-of-fact" approach that is gaining the students' attention.

So many stories here just made me cry. I want so badly to know that some of the ones we know of, imprisoned in Alaska, to have these kind of testimonies. In many ways, Alaska is as dark spiritually as the winters are, but there is also a hunger in many of those people. I did see one of these is from Alaska and that means so much to see.

I also believed the Message through reading the message of William Branham, so I know the importance of the message books. I pray that I can be a blessing to the inmates here in Ghana. I was a police officer who helped prosecute so many people in court leading to their jail. I have the feeling that I am obligated to show them the spiritual freedom available the Message of the hour.

Oh my, not sure why we wait for the letters in anticipation, the joy they bring us! Paul used to write letters from prison, and we still read them, and they never disappoint, they are so real, you feel the emotions of the writers. "Brother Branham lifted me from a thought to a Living God!" couldn't have put it in a better way or used the right words.

I appreciated this little article so much! As the mother of a teenaged son, I have said many, many times that I claim him under the Token. But still, I have continued to fret over his behavior. It makes sense to me, if I truly have applied the Token, then it's already done, and I believe that Jesus is the High Priest of our confession!

My favorite testimony ever. I love it. I to claim my son in the precious Name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I know I will spend eternity with him.

I have put my children under the Token and pray for faith for my children's salvation and God's mercy. For you see, I did not bring them up in the way of the Lord as I should have. But this testimony has given me encouragement as it has come at the right time.

Amen, in the darkest hour when all hopes are gone, then Jesus comes in on the scene. The end of man is the beginning of God.

It is bad that we often forget this promise and many times we strive to accomplish tasks on our strength. I was in a similar scenario last night. I lost three hours of sleep trying to fix my laptop to no avail. I prayed about it and went to sleep. Two attempts in the morning solved the issue. Then I logged in to this website and found this testimony.

So encouraged by this testimony this morning! I've been awake since 02:30 am this morning as a result of a "ditch" that I'm in. I've committed it to the Lord this morning and am believing He will provide an outcome for me too.