Letters From Prisoners

Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

Matthew 22:8-10

There won’t be one open chair at the Wedding Supper. When that great day comes, we might be surprised at how many people received the Message while they were in prison. Here are excerpts from some of the letters we’ve received from those who have heard the Word of God inside a prison cell.

I have never heard of Bro Branham until I received the Bible along with his booklets. God rest his soul! But I believe in the operation of the Holy Spirit and all the manifestations as I am also of a Pentecostal background. I enjoyed his testimony and would like to have the opportunity to read more of his sermons to further my knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the Lord. 


I just wanted to write and thank you for your love and kindness to me. I’m always encouraged by you and remember you in my prayers every day. Thank you so much for being there for me, without you, a lot of times I would have been discouraged. You mean very much to me and I always want God to bless you.


I was spiritual blessed by Mr. Branham’s books and sermons. I was transferred to another facility and had to leave all the books behind because you could only bring a Bible and one religious piece of material. So, I manage to bring the Seven Church Ages. All the inmates begged for that book. Finally, this elderly man was being relocated said he was called into the ministry and pleaded with me and I donated the book to him. William Branham was truly a man sent from God. I was blessed to receive his message and it has truly changed my life. Keep me in your prayers. I now live by THUS SAITH THE LORD!


I have so many things to tell you. I have been moved to another prison facility recently. I will finish my 5-year sentence in 2 ½ months and the Immigration Office will take me back to Guatemala. I can see clearly now the things that pertain to God and His purpose. The world is in a terrible condition, but it is so good to know that the Lord has brought us to the light. Ever since I came to this prison I have tried to testify to people but they continue with their lives. I do not feel discouraged but sad as I see they turn down this opportunity to change their destiny. I was in a certain dorm and I did not like it, so I asked the warden to move me to another location. He was very upset with my request and he sent me to the prison cell. Fortunately, the official there heard my testimony and moved me to Dorm H. I found some believers having services there and they gave me the chance to speak to the others. However, when I spoke and testified to them, they told me I should not attend their meetings anymore. It is really impossible for them to see what God says in the Scriptures. There are many things I could tell you but I don't have enough paper.


I very much thank you for your previous kindness in the books I received. I am very much sorry to ask for your help again but I have no way in purchasing them from jail. What I really want to stress though is the truths of William Marrion Branham. Could you please send me more! Not without thanking you so much. Thank you.


I would like to thank you for the books that you sent to me. They have increased my faith a lot. I believe Mr. Branham did all the things I have read about. 


So happy to hear “The Message” is getting in the hands of The Bride via “The Agapao Tablets” and other media. I can’t get a tablet just yet, but you be sure to save me one and I’ll pick it up in the very near future. I am so excited, Praise the Lord! All here is well and I am still believing on and in our Lord Jesus for his “Total Deliverance.” His Word will be manifested, He promised! You all are in our prayers and yes, we pray for the perfect will of God to be done in your ministry also.


Could you help me to continue growing in the Spirit and the Word of God. I would really like to study the books of Brother Branham to grow in the faith.


I am writing to tell you a little bit about my life. I was lost in my past life. I even lost my wife and my son. I was using drugs and selling them to keep my addiction. I was in jail many times but I did not learn my lesson and continued with my life of sin. Now, I have been here for 6 months. I thank the Lord for this experience as it gave me a way to flee from my old life. I found God here and all I want now is a Bible in Spanish to follow His ways.


Thank you for both book orders. I treasure every one, and share them with others as I have the opportunity. I am studying the Seven Seals. I like to copy texts out as I read outstanding things that speak to my heart as Jesus Christ speaks through Brother Branham. This Message is my life. Praise the Lord. Keep me in prayer as I give Caesar what belongs to Caesar. In this program, I am required to re-confess old sins that have been under the blood of Jesus Christ for years, cleansed, done away with and put back on Satan where they come from. At the same time, I take every opportunity I can to confess Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, and His saving Grace to me. I do not worry what man can do to me. My salvation is a done deal, paid for on Calvary, and proven when Jesus rose from the grave on the third day. When this life is over, I will rejoice with you for eternity. Praise the Lord!


I would like to share a poem the Lord gave me. I pray it blesses each of you there and your work.

Greatness In Simplicity

God makes Himself so simple,
So ordinary-plain,
Outstandingly ridiculous,
To fool man’s brilliant brain.
God hides Himself in flowers,
Or in a drop of rain.
Man’s scientific knowledge,
Just missed the mark again.

The Gospel seems so foolish,
Its preaching so insane,
To modern man’s intelligence,
Just goes against the grain.
God tests His man by his Word,
The Gospel to proclaim;
Greatness in simplicity,
God’s wisdom it contains.

So if you look for wisdom,
Fair words to entertain,
Overdone philosophy,
Man’s wisdom to obtain;
A living blade of grass,
Man’s wisdom can’t explain.
God hides in simplicity,
Reveals Himself the same.

By inspiration of my Lord Jesus Christ

Reference: 63-0317M God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same