Cape Town Bonfire

The Cape Town, South Africa youth recently joined together for their first Quiet Time Bonfire event. The setting was perfect, and the youth were in for a real blessing. The testimonies below tell the story from some of the youth who attended.

Getting the invite to attend the QT got me very excited. I never really attended an event with a bonfire before and I was really looking forward to it, especially since it would be with friends and family of like precious faith. We started off with a hymn that over the December break became very special to me, "I Love Him." Singing that hymn, I knew that today was going to be a very special day for me and also for the many other youth in attendance. Quiet Time went by too quickly. I thought I'd pray for the first half an hour and then read a Spoken Word book for the next half hour, but my heart was too full. I sat near the lake at the base and appreciated how quiet and peaceful it suddenly became. God was already amongst us. I could feel Him and I poured my heart out to Him. I was so surprised when the hour was over. It made me see again how time is just flying by and how much more desperate for the Lord we should become now more than ever. By the time we had the bonfire, it felt like a celebration to me. A celebration of God's Love for me and His Grace for choosing me to be at this event long before the foundation of the world. Thank you VGR for hosting such an event. It was an experience that made me realize just once again who I am and what I stand for; an experience that just humbled me because I did nothing, but through His Grace He saw something in me and saw it fit for me to be in this Message and attend such a blessed event like on Saturday. I am still walking with that bonfire of God's love and Grace in my heart today. God bless, and once again, Thank you. Thank you to Sis Gaylene, Bro Keith, and Bro Joseph Branham; keep up the blessed and good work.


I really enjoyed the day. The venue couldn't be more aptly situated across the lake and all. For me the bonfire was a very interesting yet liberating experience and I do hope that VGR will do events like that more often.


What I expected to happen and what happened were not too far off. In my mind I pictured a relaxing afternoon working on my relationship with God and learning from Him, and thereafter have a good time with my friends in Christ, and, if it came to it, sharing what I had been reading in the Word. When I got there, there was a comfortable silence. Everyone had a spot and they were having their very own Quiet Time. Afterwards we had some snacks and later a supper. In between we got a chance to converse with our fellow youth members. Lots of stories, smiles, and laughter were exchanged. So much so, I did not want the evening to end, which I supposed is everyone's feeling when they are having a good time. One thing I learned was that it is always good to break away from the responsibilities of life and spend time with God and among your fellow believers. It also made me appreciate the conversations and language used. It is so different from the world's speech and way of talking. Not one time did I feel out of place, and that made me enjoy the day so much more.


Before attending the Quiet Time, I was not sure I would feel comfortable meeting so many new people all at once. However, when I arrived all I learned was love and acceptance. I realized that even though we came from different areas and assemblies, we all had that one thing in common and that is our love for the Lord. Being a young person in the Message brings many challenges when we socialize with people outside the Message, but Saturday I did not once feel uncomfortable or out of place. Watching the youth freely express themselves was an amazing experience for me. I would like to thank Voice of God and Young Foundations for allowing us the opportunity to come together.


Seeing the short videos from the Lifeline app on the bonfire event in Zimbabwe created a great expectation for our SA bonfire. This event exceeded my expectations. I was very blessed to be among youth of like precious faith across all boundaries. I was truly blessed and hope this will be the start of many great things for the youth of SA.


We expected a Quiet Time followed by joyful singing, a nice meal and interactions (such as games and conversing) with the young believers. It was very pleasant and we have truly enjoyed ourselves. It was what we had hoped for and it did not disappoint.


Thank you for inviting us. I had a wonderful time in my Quiet Time, and the weather was beautiful. The moment went too quickly. I was brave enough to try 9-squares today (a game). I got to speak to new people and sing and worship as I haven't done in a long time. God bless you richly for this effort.


Thank you so much for allowing me to come tonight. It was such a beautiful evening, and the atmosphere created was so blessed! We should have one every month!


When I received the invitation, I was looking forward to reunite with the youth that I had long last seen and had many things to talk about. But when I got there...I thought maybe they won't remember me and I didn't want to make things more awkward by starting conversation. But when we started playing games after the Quiet Time and I actually got to know the different characters, this made me ease into the day. When we sat around the bonfire, that was just really, really nice. I never laughed as much as I did yesterday. Just the fact that we can have fun and enjoy an evening with people that's on the same religious level as me, and I felt at ease knowing that I won't be judged. So, I absolutely enjoyed the evening and would really like to have something like that again. And I just want to say thank you to Sis. Gaylene and please extend my gratitude to Bro. Keith and Bro. Joseph Branham and everyone else who made the night successful. It was really, really nice and I absolutely enjoyed it.


Thank you for hosting Quiet Time and the bonfire for the youth. I enjoyed it so much, it was really hard to leave.


This bonfire has been a great blessing for me personally. Before I left home I said to the Lord that I will not return here the same person as I am now, and I believe confidently that really something happened last night. The Lord Jesus Christ surely was in our midst and I hope we will have more of this. I would like to thank Bro Joseph Branham and Bro Keith and the Voice Of God for making it possible for us, and my sincere prayer is that we can have more of this here in Cape Town because it meant so much to us. The Lord bless and I love you all.


My expectations were that I will be closer to God than I was before. When I got in that Quiet Time, just me and the Lord, I felt so close to Him. I enjoyed myself and the worship was amazing. To see all the young people, oh my, just enjoying them in the things of the Lord. I loved every moment of it. Than you all.


God bless you with my short testimony on the bonfire we had. For me it was a big blessing, I really had a great time being there and having fellowship and praising the Lord. One of the most striking things to me was when we arrived there at Quiet Time the presence of the Lord was there already. I felt His presence from the beginning up until the end, so surely that you forget about the things of the world. You're just there and nothing else. I was so happy and rejoicing with peace and joy in that moment and felt closer to the Lord. And that was the most important thing that I experienced there, and it was a great experience. I believe each and every believer there also had a great time, and I just want to thank the Lord for this opportunity that He gave to us here in Cape Town. Thank you to Bro Joseph and all the board of VGR, we had a great time. And to those who missed this time, you need to make a plan to not miss the next time. Thank you and God bless!
