The Loving Father

We all know that God is a Father, so wouldn’t a father care about his children’s feelings? Of course He does! We received the following from a young lady, who asked the Lord to bring her lost pet home.

Jesus brought my cat safely home! Praise the Lord! I had three cats disappear within months of each other; (they are outdoors cats) two calicos, and a tabby. The calico's names are Gracie and Glory, and the tabby's name is Samantha. With each disappearance, my heart hurt worse. After the last calico (Glory) disappeared, I said something on the lines of, “Lord, please help me to trust You to take care of Glory. Please help me to stop hurting over it. After You bring Glory home, I will send this testimony to VGR.”

A few days went by, and I kept singing the song, “Jesus, all for Jesus, all I am, and have, and ever hope to be. All of my ambitions, hopes and plans, I surrender these into Your hands. For its only in Your Will that I am free.” Taking Mom's advice, I set feed out close to the woods for her. Then, on February 12, 2020, around nine o' clock, I was looking in the refrigerator for something to eat, when Aquilla, my brother two years younger than me, said, "Weren't you missing two calicos?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Well, there's one standing out here on the porch."

I slammed the refrigerator door shut, and raced out to the porch. My precious calico Glory was rubbing against the porch window! I screamed, "Thank You Lord Jesus," scooped her up, and ran to show her to Mom. My three youngest siblings all crowded around petting her, and my youngest sibling was so excited he fell off the bed! Glory was purring the whole time. Thank You Lord Jesus for caring so much about our pets. Not even a sparrow falls without You taking notice. God bless you all at VGR, and keep His protecting Hands over you.

Elizabeth Riehl