2019 Still Waters Camp Schedule

It’s February, so you know what that means for most of us…lots of snow, wind, and some bitterly cold temperatures! Blah!! Let’s look on the brighter side. It’s time to start thinking about the 2019 Still Waters Camp Season!!!


As you should know by now, if you haven’t been active with your quizzes and don’t have the trophy icon on your YF profile, then you won’t be eligible for camp.

We ran the numbers and found the majority of those who are eligible to attend camp are in the younger age groups. Based off these numbers, we felt to re-format the camps. This year, we have changed the 16-28 age group to 16-21 in order to accommodate the majority of those who have trophy status. And, for the first time, our International trophy-status youth, ages 18-21 from ALL countries, can participate in online registration! We have not forgotten our faithful 22-28 year-olds. This trophy-status group, including those from ALL countries, may register online but will be placed on the 16-21 camp waiting list. Openings are filled from this list.

The Still Waters calendar has just been populated with the 2019 camp dates! You will see that we have scheduled two 16-21 camps in June and one 13-15 camp in July. The 9-12 camps are tentatively scheduled for August with the dates to be announced. The 9-12 age group is our fastest growing group. The first year we had one camp, and last year we had two. This year we anticipate another large increase in this group.

Pre-registration starts now!
Registration Day is March 2, 2019
10 a.m., Jeffersonville time

So, starting RIGHT NOW, all those eligible, trophy-status youth between the ages of 13-21 and 22-28 can pre-register! Remember, pre-registering does not “register” you for camp or put you on the waiting list. You will still need to register on March 2, at 10 a.m. Jeffersonville time!

Read more about pre-registering and registering HERE.

You must have and maintain trophy status to be eligible to attend camp.

We’re extremely excited about this new camp season, and we can’t wait to get started preparing the grounds for our special guests! Don’t delay to get pre-registered, and be looking for the next update and e-mail!

Until then, stay encouraged and in the Word!

God bless you!

Still Waters