The Little Things

And God will never… You can never exhaust God's love and mercy to you. You say, “Well, I hate to bother You so much, Father.”

He wants to be bothered that way. He does. Don't never think that you could ever ask too much of God. I believe the Scripture said, “You have not, because you ask not. And you ask not, because you believe not.”

He wants us to ask and believe that our joys would be full. He wants you to ask abundantly. Ask for big things; don't limit your faith to some little mustard seed. Get on out here to some other kind of faith, and move out in big things. Ask… Big things is just as easy to receive as little things. You just have to believe; that's all. And you got faith, just know exactly how to use it, and it'll be all right. You can put it right to work and it'll just be fine.

55-1111 Where I Think Pentecost Failed

Are you in need of a smile today? This testimony will provide just that. 

I have a little testimony that is BIG to me! I've been missing a real good pair of tennis shoes for over a week, and I couldn't think of where or when I had them last. I have looked all over for them, multiple times: inside the house, in the car, in the garage, etc., praying that the Lord would help me find them!

Today, I found them hanging on a stop sign about three blocks from our house! No telling how many times I have drove up and down that street in the past week and stopped at that stop sign!

I don't know about all the details of how they got that far from home, who put them on the stop sign, or how long they've been hanging there, but they were in perfect condition, even through the recent rains. All the details are a mystery, but I was one happy person when I saw those shoes hanging there in front of me!

I jumped out of the car and started praising and thanking the Lord for answering prayer! He is so mindful of all the little things in our lives, as well as the big things!


Sister Rachel
