
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6

  • Acknowledge
    1. to recognize the rights, authority, or status of
    2. to disclose knowledge of or agreement with
    3. a: to express gratitude or obligation for b: to take notice of c: to make known the receipt of
    4. to recognize as genuine or valid

Is there anything too small or insignificant to acknowledge the Lord in? We always acknowledge Him in the big things, but never forget, He is with us ALWAYS. That means that He's constantly taking care of the little things too. 

This couple recognized His authority, expressed their gratitude for His help, and they are making it known for all of us to take notice that His Word is genuine and valid.

Just wanted to write and share with you something the Lord did for my wife and I on Friday February 10, 2017. I was working and around 5pm I got a great idea that I should take my wife to Stoney River steak restaurant for supper. The following Tuesday was to be Valentine’s Day and this would be a good night to go out. I called my wife, she got a sitter for our kids, and we went to the restaurant.

We got over to the place and being the weekend before Valentine’s Day, I guess many other people had the same idea. We put our name in and they told us a TWO-HOUR wait. This would not have had us seated until around 9pm. We left the restaurant kind of bummed out. We thought, well they may text us early. We checked on other restaurants in the area to see what their wait time was and theirs were not much better, and my wife really had her heart set on this place.

After driving to Costco, putting our name in at another restaurant, going in and out of Stoney River to check the wait time, we were sitting in front of the restaurant talking it out. My wife said, "Maybe we’re not supposed to go here. I prayed that the Lord would let us get in early and that hasn’t happened, so I don’t want to go here if it’s against how I prayed." She must have prayed this to herself because I do not remember her saying this prior to that point. I said, "I don’t know how you prayed but let’s do this." I took my wife by the hand and said something like, "Lord I don’t know how she prayed, but we don’t want to go here if it’s not your will. We don’t care. We can just go somewhere else or go home. If it is your will for us to go here just let them text us back soon. We love you Lord... in Jesus Christ Name we pray." When I said "let them text us" my wife's phone text sound went off! I was startled by it while praying and finished the prayer. Sure enough, it was the restaurant letting us know our table was ready! We were blown away! Someone may say, well it just worked out that way. In all the stuff that did while waiting, it wasn’t until during the 10 seconds of prayer that they called us? We were practically skipping on the way into the restaurant and had a great time!

God is so good to give us the little things and to be so mindful to show us He is with us and cares all the time.

God bless,

Brother & Sister in Jeffersonville