We first offered the micro SD card loaded with all the sermons about a year ago, and the response has been AMAZING! In less than a year, we have sent out 36,000 of these cards around the world.
One of the suggestions we’ve received from Android users is to provide a larger card, so they have more memory for their personal videos and pictures, while still having everything the 32gb card has. We now have a 64gb card that will have about half of the space for your personal use. The bigger card is $39, and we still have the 32gb card for $29.
Not all devices support 64GB micro SD cards. Many newer devices do. Please check with your manufacturer to ensure your device supports a 64GB SD card.
Here’s what’s inside that precious little gem:
1. 151 Spanish “gapped” audio sermons.
The newly released Seven Seals series is included.
2. 154 already-distributed Spanish books and another 19 new books that have not been printed yet. All these are in PDF format.
3. 139 English audio sermons (1965, 1964)
4. 16 pictures of Brother Branham.
5. Spanish translation of “The Deep Calleth To The Deep” and “The Twentieth Century Prophet” videos along with the English versions.
6. 16gb micro SD card.
1. 140 French “gapped” audio sermons.
2. 19 Lingala translations.
3. 139 English audio sermons (1965, 1964, 1963)
4. 167 French, 28 Lingala and 1,208 books in PDF format.
5. 16 pictures of Brother Branham.
6. Has all three languages on the same card: English, French, and Lingala translation of “The Deep Calleth To The Deep” and “The Twentieth Century Prophet” videos.
7. 16gb micro SD card.
1. 103 Portuguese “gapped” audio sermons.
2. 329 English audio sermons (1965, 1964, 1963, 1952, 1951, 1959, 1949, 1948, 1947).
3. 127 Portuguese, and 1,208 English books in PDF format.
4. 16 pictures of Brother Branham.
5. Portuguese translation of “The Deep Calleth To The Deep” and The Twentieth Century Prophet” videos along with the English versions.
6. Message search software for Android users.
7. 16gb micro SD card.
Many phones and mobile devices have micro SD card ports. If your phone or mobile device has one of these ports, then all you need to do is plug it in and you’ve got a full library of Brother Branham’s sermons. A USB adapter is included so you can plug it directly into your computer to download the files.
The price for the French, Spanish, and Portuguese micro SD cards is $15, plus shipping.