Hebrews Chapter Two #3

Next verse, listen at It here.

For in that he himself had suffered...

God could not suffer in Spirit. He had to become flesh, to feel the pain of sickness, to feel the temptation of lust, to feel the temptation of want, to feel the temptation of hunger, to feel the power of death. That He might take it upon Hisself to stand in the Presence of the great Spirit Jehovah, the Spirit, not the Man; the Spirit, to make intercession to this life. And Jesus took that, in order to make intercession for us, for He knows how it feels. When you get sick, He knows how you feel. When you're tempted, He knows how you feel.

We now understand that God, in old times and in many ways, spoke to us through His prophets. He plainly told us that we should never let what we have heard slip, and the angels (prophets) deliver the Word of God to the people. Most importantly, two thousand years ago, He sent His Son who became flesh that He might understand our suffering and temptations, and through His sacrifice, we may have Eternal Life.

Brother Branham is building the foundation in these first few sermons, and brick by brick, we are receiving the full interpretation of the Book of Hebrews. Each sermon goes deeper into this, one of the most mysterious books in the Bible.

This is the last sermon on Hebrews Chapter Two, and the prophet locks those building blocks into place before we get into subjects like the provocation, Sabbath, Melchisedec, theophany, glorified body, and much more.

We look forward to studying Hebrews Chapter Two #3 over the course of this week with you. There is a lot to digest in each message, so take your time and dig deep. You may want to go over what you have heard every day this week, to really understand what the prophet is saying.

Many have enjoyed taking the quizzes, and we plan on posting the results of the first few sermons this Thursday.

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