Power In The Voice

Sometimes all we have to do is show simple reverence to God. This brother had the right atmosphere in his home and believed when his time came to be prayed for by the prophet.

I wanted to share a testimony of what the Lord has done for me recently. I trust it will be a blessing and encouragement for you. May the Lord receive all the praise, honor and glory from this testimony.

I have been having problems with my right knee for several months now, and it seemed to be getting progressively worse as time went on. What started off as discomfort had turned into considerable pain and swelling. I considered going to the doctor, but I did not feel led to do so. Also, I was concerned that the doctor would tell me that it would require surgery, which would require for me to be off of my feet for a long recovery time.

As my knee got worse and worse, I could tell that something was really wrong with it. I was in prayer asking that the Lord would heal my knee if it was His perfect will and to continue to guide me with what to do next. Then one day, I got my answer at an unexpected time in an unexpected way.

I got up for work one morning and as always, I could hear Brother Branham's voice in the background. My family and I play Brother Branham throughout the entire night while we are in bed. It is loud enough that each one of us can hear it in our bedrooms. So that morning, I walked into the kitchen, which is where we have the IPod setup, and as soon as I came in the room, Brother Branham called out to a man that was having trouble with his knee. I immediately bowed my head and let Bro. Branham pray for me.

I went and told my wife what just happened and proclaimed my healing! Over the next couple of days, my knee started to feel better and better. Now I can walk, run and do whatever I want to without having the pain, discomfort or swelling! What a mighty God we serve!

I am so thankful that He is still Jehovah-Raphi and He is still Hebrews 13:8. We are blessed beyond words to have this stored up Food from God's vindicated Prophet that God sent for us Believers during this end time.

Also, I am so thankful for the Voice of God Recordings and all that you all do for the Bride of Christ! God bless you all richly is my prayer.

Your brother,

Jeffersonville, IN