A Very Present Help

The Word tells us,

“…God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Psalm 46:1

This brother was immediately in a crisis situation when he awoke to a robber inside his home, stealing his laptop. The Spirit had already prepared him for the situation, and our brother calmly reclaimed his property by the power of God.

God bless you all. Two weeks ago, I was in my living room and I was doing nothing special. I felt myself far from God. That was around midnight. So, I decided to play a tape. After I prayed, when I finished, I played another tape.

So around 5am I was getting tired and I went to sleep. Around 9, I woke up suddenly and I saw a big and tall man with my laptop in his hand. Well, I was in fear of him, but I got up and I went to him and I asked him, “What are you doing here?” So I believe God made that big and tall man, without force, not to run, speak, or fight. So I took my laptop and I said to him, “Go out.” He went out like a kid obeying his father.

Brother Cardoso