The Oddball

It feels good to have a Jubilee sermon today!

Brother Branham is at the Pine Lawn Trailer Park in Prescott, Arizona. It’s not a normal service as much as it is a simple visit, where he took a few minutes to encourage the believers living there.

We received an email from a brother who once lived in the Pine Lawn Trailer Park. He gave this testimony:

I was sure that you all knew that Sister Esther Bottazzi passed away in Arizona this past week, at over 100 years.

I noticed the Jubilee tape this week was the “The Oddball” preached in my hometown in the Pine Lawn Trailer Park. Brother Branham spoke to Sister Esther (not on tape) some time before about how she would be healed, and she testified about this to Brother Branham during his visit. He had told how her healing would come in 18 months from the day she was prayed for. She was healed exactly 18 months later, as she was in a car with my grandparents, Brother Ed and Sister Bessie Daulton when she was healed. Brother Branham mentions this on "The Oddball" preached in Jeffersonville on June 14, 1964.

She lived a very long life with 4 children, 14 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren and 28 great-great grandchildren. Her husband was also an avid believer and follower of this Message. He passed away in 1971 on the 4th Sunday of May. She passed away on the 4th Sunday of May in 2014. Their wedding anniversary was June 1st, the tape “The Oddball” will streamed live across the world on June 1st. I felt like this is not chance the way all these dates line up, and that to me this is: “Identification.”

Brother Hugh

Here are a few quotes from the Message, “The Oddball.”

I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.

II Corinthians 12:11

We're all cut out for different things to do.

Because, it's always the atmosphere that brings the results. You can lay a seed out there in the ground. No matter how much that seed is germitized, and lay it there, it's got to have an atmosphere to make it live. See?

So--so you have to be somebody's fool, so I'd rather be a fool for Christ. See? I'd be a... God said His people were "a peculiar people, odd; a chosen, elected; a royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices to God, that is, the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name."

The world gets in such a place, in a turmoil, and the church gets so sold up in worldlyism and--and denominationalism, and so forth, till it takes sometimes a nut to hold the thing together. That's right. If they don't have it, we don't have it, we don't have the church.

Well, now look. If there is a nut sent, there has got to be a bolt for it to fit on. That right? Now, God sends nuts.

I'm so glad to be threaded with the Word. I'm so glad that there's a bolt that's threaded the same way. And what's it to do? It's to draw out the Bride from the world, set It aside for something different. Yes, friends. We may be a nut to the things of the world, the people of the world, but we are only drawing out, that which is threaded for this.

Now you say, "How do I know I'm threaded right?" Watch the Word. See? Now you know whether you're threaded right, whether we are nuts for Christ, or whether we are nuts to the world.

Know, we, though we be a nut to the--the world, if we are threaded in Christ's Word, and Christ's showing it, when He--He is pulling it together, see, pulling his Church together.

I'll just be a nut for Christ.

So, may the Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of the flock, ever keep your hearts so wound into Him, that, when the great Shepherd does appear, we'll appear with Him.

…Lord, we want to be so tightened to You and Your Word, that, when the Rapture comes, we'll--we'll want to be with it, Lord. So help us to ever have our hearts knitted and bound together in the love of Christ.

64-0531 The Oddball


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