
It is the mission of Voice of God Recordings to give every person on the face of the earth access to Brother Branham’s Message. One of the most important things we are doing to accomplish that goal is to translate the sermons into as many languages as possible.

There are tens of thousands of believers in Zimbabwe and southern Zambia that speak the Shona language. So far, we have translated 46 sermons into Shona and the work continues to gather steam. The following is a report from Brother Stephen Tutani, VGR employee in the Harare, Zimbabwe office. He wrote his report in both English and Shona for our friends in southern Africa.

At the end of his report, we announce some newly-translated Shona messages now available for download.

The brothers in the Zimbabwe translation department are not stopping but continue to work hard to translate even more of these precious words into Shona; as we continue the search for the last lost soul. It may be that one of these translated Messages that will quicken the predestinated seed laying in them to life!

Brother Gordon Tutani, our Zimbabwe Representative is a man of many hats. Besides being a Regional coordinator for VGR assisting with Zambia and Malawi, he also manages the office and distribution at our facility in Harare, Zimbabwe.

In addition to that, for the last few years, he has come to the YF camps at Still Waters to lead the youth in song, assist wherever needed and has baptized many youth in the lake. He has been sent to YF camps in Italy, Germany and England as well as banquets in Nigeria, South Africa, Malawi Zambia, Columbia and his own nation of Zimbabwe. He and his staff hold International Quiet Times for the youth and often host smaller youth events at the office.

Brother Gee, as he is called by almost everyone, loves to listen to the voice of God for our day, and has for the past several years, worked on Message translations into his native Shona language. He is ably assisted by his son, Jonah Tutani and Brother Ben Chivaura who is also the studio engineer at the Harare VGR studio where the Shona audio translations are recorded.

A few weeks ago, we released 14 of the most recent Shona translations as PDF’s on the internet. You can find them under our translations page along with the other Shona titles that were previously translated. For those in Zimbabwe who read this blog: May God richly bless you.

Hama dziri muboka rinodudzira kuZimbabwe hadzisi kumira asi dziri kuenderera mberi kushanda nesimba kududzira kunyangwe mamwe emashoko aya akakosha kuisa muchiShona; tichienderera mberi nekutsvaga mweya wekupedzisira wakarasika. Pamwe ndeimwe yeMharidzo dzakadudzirwa idzi ichamutsiridza mbeu yakatemerwa yakavata mavari kuupenyu!

Hama Gordon Tutani, Mumiririri wedu kuZimbabwe munhu wemadunhurirwa akawanda. Kunze kwekuva Mutariri weBasa reVGR munyika dziri munharaunda yavo, vachibatsirana neZambia ne Malawi, ndivo vanotarira kufambiswa kwebasa nekuparadzirwa kwemharidzo kuhofisi yedu iri muHarare kuZimbabwe.

Pamusoro paizvozvo, makore apfuura vanga vachiuya kumisangano ye YF kuStill Waters kuzotungamirira vechidiki munziyo, kubatsira pavanodikanwa uye vakabhabhatidza vana vazhinji mumvura. Vakatumirwa kumisangano yeYF kuItaly, Germany nekuEngland uye mabanquet kuSouth Africa, Malawi, Zambia, Columbia nekunyika yavo yeZimbabwe. Ivo nevanobata navo vaobatana nepasirose kuita nguva dzeQuiet Time nezviitiko zvakasiyana-siyana nevechidiki ikoko.

Hama Gee sekudaidzwa kwavanoitwa nevanhu vose, vanoda chaizvo kuteerera inzwi raMwari muzuva redu, uye kwemakore apfuura vanga vachishanda kududzira Mharidzo mumutauro wavo wechiShona. Vanobatsirwa zvakakwana nemwanakomana wavo Jonah Tutani neHama Ben Chivaura vanova Studio Engineer {mutekenyi} kustudio yeVGR kuHarare uku kunodudzirwa inzwi kuisa muchiShona.

Mavhiki mashoma apfuura takabuditsa mharidzo gumi neina dzakadudzirwa kuiswa muchiShona dziri dzemhando yePDF painternet. Munokwanisa kudziwana papeji yemharidzo dzakadudzirwa kusanganisira dzimwe mharidzo dzechiShona dzakadudzirwa kare. Kune avo vari kuZimbabwe varikuverenga chinyorwa ichi: Dai Mwari vakaropafadzai zvakapfuma.
