The next stop in our Jubilee trail is Dallas, Texas. Brother Branham is speaking at Soul’s Harbor Church, pastored by W.V. Grant. The church was a converted theater in central Dallas. Brother Grant was a well-known minister at the time, especially with the Voice of Healing evangelists. He also helped Gordon Lindsay as an editor of the Voice of Healing Magazine. Brother Grant’s church grew to about 2,500 members by the time of his death, in 1983. His son took over as pastor, eventually moving to a different location and renaming the church to Eagle’s Nest Cathedral.
At the beginning of service, Brother Branham asks the congregation how many people had never been in his meetings. Eighty or ninety percent raised their hands. He then preaches a short, simple message titled, “Sirs, We Would See Jesus.” At the end of the sermon, he goes from person to person, showing the audience the power of God when Jesus comes on the scene.
Eternal Life had no beginning and it has no ending. So if you have Eternal Life, you were an attribute of God's thinking before there was anything but Him.
Like God becoming God when He created Angels. He become Son when He created Christ Jesus. He become Saviour when Jesus died. He becomes Healer when "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." See?
All these things are attributes of God, just so that in the--the end, the Bible said, Jesus said, "You will know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me." It's God becoming tangible.
Now I'm sure, to any believer, it would be the most thrilling thing of his heart, a confirmation of his faith, that if he could actually see and know that he was standing in the Presence of Jesus Christ. I think it would be the most astounding thing that--that any person, any believer, could think of; to know, and know positive, that he is standing right in the Presence of--of the Lord Jesus Christ, his solemn Judge, his Redeemer, and will be his Judge at the Judgment.
God, knowing the end from the beginning, therefore He lotted to His--His world a certain part of Word for each generation as they come along.
Now look to Abraham, the elected, in his group, One stayed back there and performed a sign to them.
You know, in all the history of the world, all the history of the church, there has never been one time, that any reformer, or any man, that ever had a--a great ministry to the Gentiles, that their name ever end in h-a-m, like A-b-r-a-h-a-m, until now. That's G-r-a-h-a-m, six letters. Abraham is seven letters. Six letters, G-r-a-h-a-m.
And Sarah tried to deny it. But being that she was part of Abraham... Her unbelief would have condemned her, but God could not take her, 'cause she was part of Abraham. The Church would have been condemned long ago, but it's a part of Christ.
And remember the last sign that Abraham saw. And we who are borned of the Spirit of Christ, are Abraham's royal Seed. Jesus promised that the royal Seed of Abraham would see the same sign that their father Abraham seen, before the promised Son came.
Cause, the Word only comes to the prophet, not to nothing else but the... How many understands that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] See? Look, it's so perfect that when John was the prophet standing in the waters, baptizing, and Jesus came to him in the water, the Word came to the prophet. He was the Word, and He came to John in the water.
Now, if He can get me in His submissive will, He can get you in His will, then working between us, see, that's where the Power of God comes.
Now, you, see, wouldn't do no good to touch me. I'd be like your brother, your husband, your father, whatever it might be. Wouldn't be no virtue in me. But if you, your faith, can touch Him, then watch Him turn. Just try it. Don't try it; that's too much today, of trying. You do it!