Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is something very important to us here at VGR. Each letter is sent to us from an inmate who is counting on us to send them what is probably the only light in a very dark place. Whatever their offence, the books that we send give them exactly what they need: The Word!

I wanted to write my heart but that would be a small book, but it’s like this. I’ve been around awhile, I been to every church trying to find my way, never could understand that they all seem to shy away from the Bible. I mean when you got right down to it, there was always a reason, never made sense to me. Then a kind soul that I never knew and never saw again gave me a book of the Church Ages. All I can say was reading this gave me the shakes so bad, I had to sit down. Tears of joy were running down my face, I wanted shout but could not make a sound. I felt faint, found I was holding my breath. Looked around everything was normal; I really thought I went to heaven. This book had the whole Bible in it. No reason for not this, and not that, this was either Bible or you’re wrong, no exceptions, no deceptions, 100% God’s Word. This is wonderful. See, I’m serving 99 years plus, and now I am happy for it because I want to stay right here just surrounded by the Word. Keep the books coming!

South Africa

Not wanting to sound strange but this is what happened. I suffer from chronic knee, hip, and lower pain. I can’t walk but a couple steps or sit for more the ten minutes without pain. I ran across a book called A Prophet Visits South Africa. No one here knew anything about the book or Brother Branham. It took me a few weeks to go through the book, never was a reader and that book needs to be read slow, there is a lot to sink in. I was really moved by the book and started telling everyone about it, in the yard, at lunch, walking the halls, and common place. Everyone wanted to hear about the book and everyone wanted to borrow it. One guy really wanted it bad. He said, “You know I have a bad foot.” Yes I know. He said, “Well I see what happen to you?” What are you talking about? He said, “You don’t know? You been all around talking about the book.” Yes, so? He said, “Well you been to the yard.” OK, what are you getting at? He said, “You have not been able to walk to the end of the hall without help, you have not been in the yard for two years.” My Friends, I just sat down, my knees gave out, Jesus Christ had healed me while I read this book, I am completely healed, no pain at all.


It was a sad day here, new regulation was imposed. CD disks are now contraband and must be turned in. I just started receiving CDs from you all and now they are gone. I really thought of keeping one but if you get caught they will take the books also and I can’t live without the books! They say something better is coming. I hope it takes your new SD card. Just a note, I’ve tried giving out books but no takers, then I got the CD and played that Voice. Now I have to hide the books that I am reading as everyone takes them. See, it’s the Voice.


Thank you for the books that you sent us. Before that I came to this prison there was no one that knew about this Message, but now there are 6-8 brothers that are reading the books and I can see the change in them. Thanks be to God, they are all poor and most of them got involved with drugs.


Thank you for the Message books, every day I need to read them and my Bible. I would someday like to meet you and give you a big hug; for all that you are doing for me from where you are.


God bless you and all those who work in the great machinery of God. I am blessed by the grace of God and your efforts. I myself do not like this awful place but I am waiting to one day leave and live a better life. I have already been here 20 years and I don’t know if I could have made it had it not been for the Lord that brought me this Message.


In the prison I am the one that conducts the services and one man said that he had been a Christian before but that he had retired 15 years ago from serving the Lord but wanted to come back. In the days that followed we talked much, but one thing that bothered me was that instead of saying “Christ says” or “Jesus says” he would say “Brother Branham says” till I finally asked him, “who is this Brother Branham?” From there he began to tell me about his life story and about how the Lord had used him and about the 7 Seals, and when he would tell me about all this. It seemed that it wasn’t actually him but God that was speaking to me. At the end he told me that the reason that I was in prison was not to preach the gospel but to be prepared and instructed in the Gospel and I think he was referring to the teachings of Brother Branham. That was the last time I saw him as we were both moved but I had your address.

I am sold out to Christ and want to serve Him with all my heart. Help me and pray for me.


You have not heard from me for a while. I was told I was being brainwashed and that there are mistakes, just for the fact that Brother Branham was human. Well it’s been a year and I have been burning the late night oil trying everything and everyone that they suggested. Well the chaplain asked how are you doing? I told him I am writing for more books by Brother Branham. He said after all you have seen and heard, why? I remembered what they told me and I told him that over this year I feel that my mind has got so filthy dirty that I just figured I need to wash it again, and this time I am 100% it’s nothing but the Word! He just walked away. So send me the Pure Word from the Throne of God!


Around here you are referred to as the Pharmacy. We are a very sick people and you have the medication. So this is not just a request for books, but we ask that you would fill this prescription for us.