This is the closing service for the five-day revival in Tulare, CA, and the last Jubilee message for February.
Brother Branham has told us many times to ask for big things when we pray, and he does just that with his opening prayer:
“And now I am asking that You will grant to this waiting audience, now, the healing of every person that's in Divine Presence. May this be one of the greatest healing services that we have ever had. May there be something take place, Lord. We don't know how it would happen, or what else could be done, but we pray that the Holy Spirit will have the preeminence this afternoon, to break into every heart and to every mind.”
As you listen to this sermon, ask yourself, “What am I identified with? How do my clothes identify me? How do my words identify me? How do my actions identify me? Am I identified with Christ, or am I identified with the world?”
As we have just read, "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you." I pray, God, that as we see that the mind is the controlling tower of the whole being, that it directs us, and let the mind that was in Christ be in us this afternoon.
Now all that that happens in the natural is only a type that's going on in the spiritual.
So I just wonder, today, if we couldn't look in the Bible, and say, "That's me," as we wonder which one is it, which character in the Bible would we look like.
And as we look into God's Word, let's identify ourself, for He give others in there for examples of what we are. Now remember that God takes His Spirit... or takes His man, but never His Spirit; Satan takes his man, but never his spirit. So let's see if we can identify our present state now with Bible characters.
You see, we, our characters is molded by what's on the inside of us, and our outside only expresses what's on the inside. What we are, how we walk, no matter what we say, our life speaks louder than our words does.
But the fellow that professes to be a Christian, the woman that professes to be a Christian, and then lives something different, it's the greatest stumbling block that the outside world has got, that--that--that there is in the outside world, anywhere. It's worse than anything the world can produce, is a person that's supposed to be a Christian and then lives something else different from that.
Now, this reflected His loving, noble character, God reflected in a Man, called Christ.
And if you are, and you were in God's thinking at the beginning, see, and was His reflection here on earth, you will bear record of the Heavenly, and as He bore record of the Heavenly, also.
You are a redeemed character. Satan has no business with you, none whatever. Just pick up your Token and show him, "My healing is paid for. My trip to Glory is."
His sinless Nature expressed God's Word. And the only way that you will ever be able to express God's Word, that you believe It and watch It act behind you, you will have to have that sinless Nature that come from God. Before the foundation of the world, you was recognized with Him. Before the Word can ever express Itself through you, it takes a sinless Nature to do that.
Think! Little you, little me; no one in the world could take my place, nobody can take yours.
And His character was, that, He did everything that pleased God, and He stayed with the Word. That's what He wanted us for, we'd stay with God's Word, find our place, and then know where we were at. Stay with His Word! And, think of it, we are invited to shape our own character to His. Now we're going to find out what we've done. Shape our character to His Own, by His Own Spirit. Then we, by Him, are sons of God, just what I've expressed, by having His mind in us, to shape our character to His, His mind. "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you."
You're invited to come and take His character. By having His character in You, it molds you into the same mind that He was, and His mind was always to do what the Father had ordained Him to do.
What group would you be identified with, if your present character would have been living in the days of Noah? Would you been with the prophet and God's vindicated Word, standing in the minority, the little group, or with the popular-opinion folks of that day?
Did you know, when you get more education and more culture, did you know that's what side it puts you on? It puts you on the devil's side. The Bible said that, "The children of the darkness are wiser than the ones of the Light."
What, what present character do you have? Where would you be placed back there in them days when Jesus was on earth, when the big denominations and theologians was all against Him, and all the teachers and theologians of that day was against Him, all the Bible teachers against Him? Against what? Against the clear-cut Word of God for that age being made manifest, being identified, God Himself identified.
God help us to be so identified, in Him, that we'll reflect His Life in our own.