Testing Time

We all encourage each other to have faith but when a crisis strikes home, things seem a little different. Brother Mosè likes reading the testimonies on this website, and that came to mind when his testing time came.

I always like reading the testimonies on this website and enjoy what the Lord Jesus is doing for His children around the world, but I’ll admit that I often read them with a little distance as if that could never happen to me.

I was going to work and still thinking about last Sunday’s Message: Three Kinds Of Believers, and about how the Lord is changing our lives by the Jubilee. Once arrived, my boss asked me to rake the leaves from the parking. Without changing my clothes, I took a sack and rake, and got sweeping. I was going to finish my task when I noticed I had my wedding ring lost.

In that moment, I soon remembered the testimony about a wedding ring lost by a sister. I thought of how this Message is speaking to us about believing. So, I told to myself: “You have to have faith, you’ll find it.” I did a short prayer and got searching on the ground and sifting out the leaves. I could not find it.

I emptied the leaves from the full sock into an empty one looking carefully. But I was in a hurry to come back to my workspace, so I thought to search on later. Getting to there, my boss asked me if I found it. I said, “No, I’ll calmly search it after having my work finished.” I was seated in my workspace but I couldn’t help but thinking of my ring and I was wondering how is it that I had it lost and I was especially thinking about believing with faith.

While on our coffee break, my boss approached me, said, “Don’t wait till night. Search while there is light.” Something struck me, soon. I went out, picked the sack and got searching. I was feeling embarrassed because I found myself face to face with the reality. I often would say to have faith, but before my need for having faith, I was deferring. I searched on but I couldn’t find it, maybe wanting to be found soon in the first little heap of leaves. And so anxiety came up. I said to myself, “If now I return without it, what shall I say?” So, I stopped, thought of that woman in the Bible who had her coin lost and had to sweep all around her house, not only a little corner in her house. And then I repeated to myself what the prophet had said, “Faith is the substance of things hoped things, the evidence of things unseen.” I restarted searching on and I found it, finally. It was there; the light was illuminating it in the leaves! I’m so grateful to the Lord for having given us this wonderful Message that is illuminating our lives.

God bless you,

Bro. Mosè from Italy